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.....It all started after my dad left I was 6 at the time. Cooping with emotions was always difficult for me sense then. I would silently cry myself to sleep at night for years because I thought it was my fault somehow. So I was inna depressed state for a long time it only went downhill from there. As I was telling what happed I started to cry and dre rubbed my back and told me it was okay. So I continued my mom was going out with this guy he was cool at first I really thought of him as a father figure. I was 9 at the time and I matured kinda early for my age. So one night my mom took mason to the hospital because he was really sick that night. I was sleep so she left me there with him. I really wasn't sleep though I played sleep so I wouldn't have to go and that's something I've always regretted. So I was just laying in my room and he came in there and sat on my bed. He..he started running his hair threw my fingers and telling me I was beautiful. Then he..he reached my shirt and said if I loved him I would take it off. I layed there frozen because I knew he wasn't supposed to be doing that. Then I built up the courage to say "no stop your supposed to be my dad" he looked at me and laughed and said "don't nobody want to be a father to bitch like you, that's why yo real daddy gone and he not coming back for yo luh stupid ass." That broke my heart to hear someone I thought of as my father say those things. He then..he then. Dre stoped me and held me as I cried louder he raped me he raped me was all I could say. "Shhh your okay now my my" I just laid in his arms and cried that's all I could do. Then I started talking again. So after he was done he just left like he didn't do anything but before he did he said "tell your mom and I'll kill you" I laughed in my head because I was Alr dead I just wanted to be physically. When he left all I did was cry and wonder why my real dad wasn't there to protect me. A little while later my mom and mason finally came home. I was jus laying there in pain and crying. She ran in my room "my my what's wrong my my what's wrong" I told her that mf touched me. All she did was cry and hold me. Then she took me to the doctor so they could make sure I was okay. I had a swollen face from where he hit me and slight bruising down there. That next week I couldn't sleep in my room so I slept with her and I heard her on the phone with him she told him he was gonna pay for what he did he laughed and asked was mason Alr. He put something in masons food to make him sick so she would leave. She hung up and I just laid there and silently cried. Weeks later I seen him on the news he was dead. I didn't even care though I was sum what relived not because I was scared but so he couldn't hurt anyone else. So I was in a really depressed state for awhile but with a lot of help I slowly started to progress and get better. I'm not 100% rn but I'm making it. After I was done I looked at him he looked sad "dont be sorry for me"
He just looked at me then he spoke "I'm so sorry all of that happened to you. You look so healthy and like a really happy person." I laughed "yea I know I chose to be happy now, yk looks can be deceiving everybody has a story." He looked "your right about that" I smiled "yes I know you can tell me yours when your ready" The rest of the night we just laid under each other talking and laughing. I think I might actually like this guy.

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