|Myasias POV🌸| ...so it's been about a month now me and Dre are dating, I talked to my mom about the whole hiding stuff from me and she apologized but she said it's a lot I didn't know and will soon find out...I've spoken to my dad a few times out of the month. He's been away on business a lot so I haven't yet to see him.
/MONDAY/ I was chillin in class with JonJon, Amari and Dre when this new girl walked in. Not gonna lie she was cute...but Ian like how she was staring at Dre like sis ion wanna have to beat yo ass on the first day.
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^new girl So the end of class came and I was talking to this girl on the other side of the class so tell me why I seen this bitch get up and twist all the way to Dre. He looked uninterested but still I walked over there to him and kissed him and he grabbed me by my waist. I looked at her and smiled "hi I'm Myasia" She looked taken back but tried to pull off a fake ass smile "hi I'm mia" sensing things getting awkward she said "well it was nice meeting you guys bye" and with that she left. I turned back to dre "ion like ha" he just looked at me and laughed "mamas you don't like anybody but me" he had a point there but still. It was our last class of the day so we went to the mall for a little while with Amari, Tae and JonJon. We walked around for awhile but I kept feeling like sb was watching me it was probably nothing so I shook it off. By this time Amari had went to find some nigga to talk to, JonJon and Tae we're talking to some twin girls. So me and Dre were walking to the food court cause I was hungry and could eatttttttt. While Dre went to order I went to the bathroom to wash-up. I still felt like I was being followed but again I brushed it off. As I was walking down the hall back to the food court a pair of hands came around my mouth I tried to scream but suddenly I felt so sleepy. ...... I woke up chained to a chair. "HELP..SOMEBODY HEL- Unknown- it's no use little lady the mystery guy laughed "Who tf are you what do you want" Unknown- hush now, we're just getting started