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Reece Bibby's first day at a new school seemed to he going better than thought. He hadn't made any friends, yet, but neither had he made any enemies, yet. So all in all, it went well.
That was until he got pushed into the locker. "Oi, new guy." The brunette said. Reece was still quite overwhelmed by his head hitting the locker behind him when the boy leaned forward and said "I was just thinking. Maybe I should clear everything up, so there won't be any problems."
"I'm Blake, these are my friends. Maybe don't look at us and you'll he fine." Blake winked. "This girl over there. The hot one. She's my girlfriend. She told me she thinks you're cute. If I see you talking to her, your ass is done." The plonker threatened.

The day after, Melody broke up with Blake over text.
"I sorry. I know we said we were forever, but maybe we shouldn't be. I can't deal with all of our fights anymore and new guy seems to be really good. Maybe I shouldn't be with a "bad boy"." Blake read the message not believing it. Ever since him and Melody started dating he felt like for the first time someone didn't force him into feeling things. Like he was allowed to not feel and to not pretend like he did feel. He felt free to be as empty as he had been made. And now she left for the new kid and Blake swore that the new kid was going to pay for it.

Blake was sitting with his friends at lunch, bouncing his leg up and down to cope with his nervous body and brain. "Fuck her, Blake." Ryan said putting his hand on his thigh to make him stop bouncing. He didn't look up, in his head he was taking Reece's soul. He was breaking it. Not just his body, no. He was destroying Reece to make him unable to fucking live forever. Just like Blake was.
"Jack? You break girls as if they're made out of glass. How do I completely destroy new guy?" Blake suddenly said making Jack raise his eyebrows. "Well, I, uh, don't know how to do that without having him fall in love with you first." Jack said and Blake smiled. "You're a genius. I'll make him fall for me and then I'll make him feel all my agony. I'll have him trust me and then I'll break all of it." The part of Blake's brain, that was supposed to stop him from such actions to make him human, was completely broken and unable to function. "What if he's straight?" Jack asked, but Blake had no doubt in his ability of making people fall for him. "Blake, I don't think that's a good idea." Andy said, but was left unnoticed by Blake who was already planning his next action.

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