[4] can't tell me

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Blake found himself smiling all day long. He really wanted to stop, but it didn't work.
"I'm sorry, but are you smiling?" Rye asked as he poured himself tea. "I'm not." The pale boy answered, but he didn't stop smiling. "I didn't know you were gay." Jack smirked sitting down. "I am not." Blake repeated. "Well, the last time I saw you smile like that was actually never. So? You're either gay or really fucking gay." Jack said sitting down on Blake's lap. "Bruh. Come on." Blake said rolling his eyes. "You know I think it's great. If you're finally happy." Jack told him his fingers in his hair. "Mate, I hate you." Blake chuckled pushing a laughing Jack off of him. Andy was as always just shaking his head. "You can't just break his heart now." Sonny said. "I mean it wasn't that good of an idea in the first place, but now it will hurt you, too." He added. "Well, maybe you all should just shut the fuck up and let me do my thing." Blake said, but still could not stop smiling. He had to constantly think of the older boy, the way his skin felt against his own, the way his green eyes would sparkle and his dimples would cut so deep into his flawless cheeks. "Fuck, bro." He muttered making Ryan chuckle. "He do be falling doe."
Blake didn't answer anything he just decided to text Reece.

Blake: I think we need to stop doing what we are doing.

Home: and why exactly?

Blake: because... I can't handle you. You make me... feel a lot?

Home: ok.

Blake's heart was aching. "Ok?" He whispered. He didn't know why he texted that, but Reece's answer showed him that not Blake was playing Reece, but actually the other way around.

Little did he know that Reece had tears in his eyes as he stared at his phone hoping for Blake to say something like "No. Forget about it. I can't live without you." But that message never came. So Reece sat in bed staring at screen that was by now completely black, his vision blurry and nothing felt right.

Reece: why did you start this anyways?

Love: hm?

Reece: all your moves? You kissed me. We made out. And all that happened after the party at Ryan's.

Reece: why did you do that?

Love: I wanted to hurt you for making Melody break up with me.

Reece's heart stopped. It felt as if Blake had stabbed him. Not just once, but as if he was doing it over and over all of the time, never stopping. Reece tossed his phone next to him and started crying.
After a while Lexi came in, she had heard. "Reecle?" She whispered. "Get out."
"Are you okay?"
"I said get out"
With that he was alone again.

"I did it." Blake said as he put his phone down. "I broke his heart." He told and Andy looked up at him. "Why in the love of God would do that? For the first time in your life you were happy. Why would take that from yourself? And from him?" He asked pushing Blake. "You have no idea." Blake said pretending he never liked Reece. "You know I do. You know you can't blame anyone for this. This is all on you. All the pain. You caused it yourself this time. And I have no respect for that."
Blake simply got up and left. He wanted to cry, but instead he chose to do nothing. "I needed to be myself again." He justified himself.

Monday was a terrible day. Reece looked like a wreck and Blake was back to not talking to anyone, not smiling at any time and not allowing feelings to get in. George asked Reece a few what had happened, but let it go after never receiving a proper answer.

For days it went on like that, no happiness in any of the three boys. George was so lost, never knew what to do. So he simply sat next to Reece at any time, quietly. They didn't talk, they didn't look at each other. They just sat.

G-spot: Blake I really don't care what happened. Get your ass to the tree now.

Blake: no?

G-spot: n

G-spot: o

G-spot: w

Blake shrugged and went to the tree. It had been a few weeks since he last talked to them. "What?" He said loudly, his voice full of anger. "Listen, I give no shit and I repeat myself not a single shit about what happened to you during your childhood that made you who are. I care about the fact that you and him" George was loud and pointing to the blonde wreck. "You two were happy. But then: you!" He pointed at the brunette again and got really close "decided to fuck it all up and I don't fucking get it. So start talking." George said and not once in his life could Blake have imagined George to get this mad and sound this intimidating.
"It is really none of your--" George already interrupted the brunette. "Spit it." He simply said obviously mad. Blake remained silent. "Okay, so you want to tell me that the great all so reckless Blake Edward Richardson wasn't happy? For the first time in his fucking life if I may add. You have the audacity that after you had the best time of your life you decide that a few weeks of happiness are enough and you wish to go back to being cold?" George asked loudly. "You wanna tell me you can just go back?" He asked getting really close. Blake looked busted. "Don't tell me you can. Don't because you know it's a lie and don't because I don't wanna hear it. I want my friends back. So if you aren't going to talk to me, talk to him." He pointed to the blonde boy. "Sort it out and go back to being my friend." He said it in a lower voice. "I don't give a shit about how you feel." George lied. "I care about that I feel fucking lost without the two of you. So you better fucking get this cleared up. Now." He said before walking off.
The two looked at each other. "I've never seen him mad before." Blake said in a low voice. Reece gave a sad smile as a response. "I didn't know I could hurt you. I hoped to still be at a point where I didn't have enough worth to you to hurt you." Blake said. "I started this only wanting revenge, really." He added making Reece shed a tear. "I hate you." He whispered. "You don't." Blake said coming closer. "I should."
"Yeah, you should. But I'm glad you don't." He answered. "I didn't think you could make me feel the way you did. You did too much in no time at all and I can't lose you. I know I tried to, but George is right. I can't tell him that I can go back, because I can't go back. I fucking long for you and I know that you do, too." Blake sat down on the grass pulling Reece down with him. "Blake." The older boy said, but Blake was already on his lap. "I lied when I said I made those moves to hurt you. I got to know you because I wanted to hurt you, but knowing you was the best I've ever done. I kissed you because I couldn't hold back the urge to." Blake said his hands on Reece's cheeks and his thumb stroking his lip slightly. Reece was crying, he didn't mean to, but how was he supposed to stop. "I'm sorry for lying and saying that I wanted to stop."
"It's my time to lie." Reece said looking to the side. "What?" Blake didn't expect that. "No. You can't leave me." He said in disbelief
"Please don't leave me. I feel like I'm not me when you're not around." He pleaded. "Blake, you went too far. Way too far for my liking."
"Tell me you don't like me." Blake suddenly said in an empty voice. Reece turned to look at his friend. "Tell me you don't wanna kiss me." He added making Reece close his eyes and sigh. "I don't wanna... have you hurt me again because you're insecure." Reece answered well-knowing that Blake would be worth getting hurt a thousand more times. Blake wanted to get up at first but the pushed the boy back, holding his arms down as he was still straddling him, making sure he couldn't move. "That's not what I asked you to tell me." He said. Reece stayed quiet.
Blake started leaning down "Tell when you want me to stop." He whispered before pressing his lips against the straddled boys ones. Reece easily freed his right arm and put it in Blake's hair as he tried pulling him even closer. He didn't know that he had missed that so much.
As they kissed it felt as if they were the only ones out. As if they weren't at the tree with people around. It felt as if it was only the two of them and no one else. And the stabbing that Reece felt finally stopped.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2020 ⏰

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