[1] w a i t w h a t

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Reece was sitting in his seat in maths looking at his homework that he hadn't done trying to understand what was going on. "Do you want to copy mine?" A boy on his right asked and Reece looked up. "Really?" He asked in disbelief and the boy gave him his homework so Reece could write down the answers really quick. "Thank you so much." He said while writing. "I'm George."
Reece thanked him one more time when giving him back his notes and then talked a bit to George. They had a great conversation immediately clicking until Blake walked inside the room and sat down next to Reece. Both boys were staring at the prav on Reece's left side knowing they were going to get hurt today.
Blake was bouncing his leg, he had closed his eyes and needed to use his hand to hold his head up. They looked at the skinny, pale boy wondering if he was alright not sure if they should ask. "Take a picture. It'll last longer." Blake said the well-known phrase when opening his eyes and turning his face towards the two boys. "I'm sorry. I was just wondering why you weren't sitting in the back with Jack and Brook." George asked already feeling the punch that should've been about to hit his face, but nothing happened. "I feel like I may have picked the wrong group of friends. They're monsters." The only monster of that group lied. "They play with people, manipulate them. They destroy people." Blake said wanting the boys to believe that he was different when in fact he was the worst of all.
Reece didn't know what to believe while George had immediately fallen for the lie.

On Friday Reece was about to leave school when he heard his name being called. He turned around to find Blake walking towards him. "Are you going home?" He asked him, doing his best showing some sort of emotions. "I was about to, yes?" Reece said but it sounded like a question. "Can I walk you home or something. I don't want to go home, yet." Blake said using his voice to make it sound as if home was no place of happiness. "Sure. You can stay at mine for a bit as well, if you want to. We could play fifa." Reece suggested to which Blake put a fake smile on and said "sure."
They walked to Reece's place in silent, to have a small girl run towards them when opening the door. "Reece!" She yelled and hugged Reece. "Are you home alone again?" Reece asked shaking his head at his mum who had left before Reece was back. "Yes. But mum made me chicken nuggets." The girl smiled. "Hi." She said looking at Blake and anybody else would've thought she was cute. Blake's edgy self still had to believe that she was nothing but annoying. "Hey." He fake smiled in disgust. "I'm Lexi." She smiled. "Well, hello Lexi. I'm Blake."
The two if them walked up to Reece's room where for the next two hours Blake repeatedly lost fifa and ended up throwing the controller onto the bed next to him and feeling mad. That was the first time for the day he noticed to feel something. "Wait. What?" He whispered. "Bumped that you lost?" Reece grinned. "Not everyone can be as much of a professional as I am." He joked making Blake fake a chuckle. "Shut up, Bibby." Reece pouted to that answer which Blake almost considered cute, but then stopped himself from thinking that. W a i t . W h a t ?
It went through his head again. "Are you hungry? We could go get pizza." Reece said. He pronounced pizza like peeezza making Blake chuckle about his accent. "Peeezza." Blake mocked stopping to fight it this time, but wondering how all 5 of his friends didn't get him to laugh once a day, but Reece could do it twice in a row.

They went for pizza and ate it in Reece's room while watching a show on netflix. Blake watched Reece pull a salami off his pizza and struggle with it trying to suck it in and then ended up choking on it. He eventually spit it out and looked at Blake's disturbed face. They both started laughing shortly after. "You should've seen yourself." Reece laughed. "No. You should've seen YOURself." Blake said pointing to him while laughing and then mocked his choking sounds.

As soon as they were done with their pizza, Blake laid down and laid his head on Reece's lap closing his eyes. Reece put his hand into Blake's hair and started stroking through it, making Blake feel comfortable and for a second he got scared that he might fall for Reece instead of the other way around. As soon as he thought that his mood dropped thinking about the message Melody send him and he buried his face deeper into Reece's lap. "Are you alright?" Reece asked in a low voice, still stroking Blake's hair.
Blake enjoyed the affection, but still felt his heart physically hurt. "Shit how did this happen?" He whispered, because before he was just mad, not hurt. "What happened?" Reece asked worried. Blake pulled his phone out and gave it to Reece. "Unlock it and click on WhatsApp." Blake said turning his body so that he could look up at Reece. "Click on Baby and two red hearts and read her scroll up to her last message."
Reece read it and then read Blake's countless answers. "No wait. I'm sorry. So so sorry that we sometimes fight."
"Please wait. I can do better."
"Please I promise I can be better than I am."
"I'm sorry I'm me. I swear I can stop being me. I can be whoever you need me to be."
"I can be Reece if you want to.. Goddamnit... I can."
"I'm good at pretending. I'll be your doll. I will." And so on.
"Can you not pretend for me?" Reece asked when putting Blake's phone down. "I'm already not pretending. I didn't mean to stop." Blake said and the first tear rolled down his face. "I didn't. I'm sorry." He cried when Reece pulled the broken boy up to give him a proper hug and then lay down with him to cuddle. Blake had his face hid in Reece's chest, who was caressing his back and head trying to calm the younger boy. "Can we stay like this forever?" Reece asked making Blake think he might have won him over so easily already. "I mean friends. Like spend our time with each other like we did today. Can we just do that forever?"
"Wow. That was one hell of a friend zone." Blake chuckled, but in his head he was furious. 'Stop making it so hard for me, you fucker. All I want is make you pay' it went through Blake's broken mind only a second before Reece tried lifting Blake's head off his chest to look at him. "I rather meant it as a "Don't you dare ever leave me" than a "Don't you dare ever love me"." Reece chuckled making Blake's heart skip a beat. W A I T .  W H A T ?
Reece winked at the blushing boy, who then hid his face in his chest again, cursing himself. Reece smirked to himself while laying his head back again and closing his eyes.

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