[2] f r i e n d s

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It was 4pm on a Saturday, three teenage boys were sitting on a bed, two of them playing fifa the third one just watching. "Goddamnit, George." Reece complained. "Thought I'd be as bad as Blake?" George joked making the third boy tickle him. "Ouh ouh, wait. Please." George said jumping up.
Blake's mood wasn't too high up, but well enough to not constantly think of how he'd destroy Reece.


Jack: oi, you down for party 2night?

Blake: where when who coming

Jack: Rye's 8pm probably idk, whoever wanna come. Sunjob, Brook, Fovvs and obv. Rye will be there

Blake: can I bring Reece n George?

Jack: ohohohh. Sure. How's that going anyways?

Blake: well iguess. We're friends now. Need to step up my game ithink.

Jack: he gay?

Blake: idk. I think I'll drop sumn like "guys can I trust u? I'm gay" and if he's into guys 2, he'd tell wouldn't he?

Blake: and even if he isn't. I'll make him mine and I'll break him anyways.

Jack: mh. Good luck, B x

Blake: thanks. See u later x

"Jack asked if we wanted to come to Rye's party later today?" Blake said as he put his phone down. "I thought you didn't like them anymore." George said still concentrated on his game. "I don't approve everything they do, but they still have been my friends for most my life and we know some stuff about each other we could never tell anyone. I can't just completely cut them out, ever. They're like the fucked up part of your family that you are ashamed of, but love equally much." Blake explained and both boys nodded. "Sure. We can go if you want to." Reece then spoke to which Blake smiled. His thoughts went off to what it would be like to have Reece completely fallen for him. Him and Reece making out, laughing, spending all of their time together. And then he forced the thought of him leaving Reece into his head and pretended to not like it, but even love it. As if hurting Reece was his only goal in life. "Fuck." Reece yelled out when the game ended a second after George shot his second goal. "Excuse me? Language." George said making himself and Blake chuckle.
They sat in bed talking for a bit, when George asked "Why are you and your friends that mean anyways?" To which Blake's mind went back to Melody's message. "Uhm, they're hurt. Really hurt and we don't really believe there's anyone that can make them feel better. So what they do is try and make people feel what they feel. Pure and utter agony." Blake said. "And you? Do you want anybody to feel what you feel?" Reece asked and Blake thought about how much it would satisfy him to hurt Reece. "I thought I did. Now I'm not all that sure anymore." Blake said, not sure if it was a lie or not. "Is it like some sort of revenge?" George asked to which Blake shook his head. "To us it sounded like justice. Make everyone feel just as miserable as we feel. Everyone feels the same.. but now, knowing you two; I'd never want you to get hurt. It wouldn't sound like justice to me if someone made you feel bad the only reason being that they're feeling bad themselves." Blake said thinking he was lying. He made sure he'd enjoy the thought of Reece unable to even cry, because there is no part of his brain left that can create feelings. Any feelings at all. Everything's gone.
"Why do you always bounce your leg?" Reece then asked somehow changing the subject. "I don't know. It just happens. My mum told me it's because I think and feel a lot, but don't know how to express it, so I get nervous." Blake said stopping to bounce his leg. "But I usually don't notice when I bounce it." He added. They continued talking about secrets of each other and their behaviour until Reece asked them if there was anyone they liked and then smirked. "You know Vive? Violet McKay. She moved here from Minnesota." George told them. "It's not a crush or anything, I just think she's cute." He added and both nodded their heads. "What about you guys? Any girls you find cute?" George asked them to which Reece blushed.
"I'm kind of into boys." Blake said thinking he was lying to them. "Weren't you and Melody a couple?" George asked to which he nodded. "Yea, she broke up, because she thought Reece would treat her better and I spend some time thinking about why we didn't work out and may or may not have been because I never really liked her in that way." Blake said and started questioning his relationship with Melody. "Melody wanted to be with you?" George was shook. "Oh yea. That happened. I'm kind of into guys, too?" Reece stated blushing, but it sounded like a question. Reece heart was knocking against his chest, threatening to break through as it was the first time Reece had ever told anybody. "Man. Imagine being Melody. Literally the hottest girl at our school and then falling for all the gay guys. Must suck." George smirked to ease the tension coming from Reece. Reece chuckled awkwardly looking down. Blake tackled Reece and cuddled him saying "Calm your balls, mate. We love you." And then lifting his arm indicating for George to come cuddle, too. George let himself fall on top of both hearing them moan in pain and then cuddled with them calming Reece down.
At some point of cuddling in silence Reece started playing with Blake's hair. All three boys had their eyes closed and were just enjoying the silence. Blake pulled Reece's shirt up a bit and put his hand on his bare stomach just to feel his skin. Both boys hearts were beating against their chests, but Blake still believed that he was just a very good actor. Though, in that second he couldn't even imagine what it would make him feel like if he had to leave Reece one day. "Fuck you, guys. I've known you for two days." Blake complained rolling off of Reece. "Why do I like you that much no homo? I barely know you." He continued making Reece secretly hope that "no homo" was dedicated to only one of the two and it was. It really was.
Blake felt intense from when his hand was on Reece's stomach.  "You wanna come back?" Reece asked and Blake rolled back to cuddle.

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