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Blake's sore throat was quite annoying, but gone by Monday morning. He would hang with Reece and George, but the events of Sunday never left his mind. He would wait all day for a message from Reece every day. But when Reece actually does message him, it brightens his entire day.


Home: Blake?

Blake: Reece?

Home: can we hang 2day after school again?

Blake: sure.

Home: see u in class

Blake: see u x

Reece smiled at the kiss and decide to send a kiss as well.


Reece: x

Love: I'll wait at your locker

Reece had just left the room walking towards his locker excitedly to find Blake standing there. "Text George?" Reece asked as both started walking towards the exit. "On it."


Blake: oi, G?

G-spot: oi?

Blake: I'm going to Reece's. You coming 2?

G-spot: sure. Where are u?

Blake: we'll wait at the apple tree.

George walked towards his two friends. Blake was leaned against the tree, staring at Reece, who was standing before him staring back. "I miss you in a way I shouldn't. Like I miss you while you're right in front of me." It went through their head, but no one said anything. Instead Blake closed his eyes mentally going back to last weekend. "Oioi." George smiled as he arrived making both snap out of their thoughts. "George!" Reece smiled and hugged his friend. "Whatcha saying about going to mine and playing fifa?" Reece smiled squeezing George's face. George chuckled and told him, he'd be glad to do so.
All three boys started walking, Blake really annoyed at Reece's touchy behaviour towards George. Reece didn't stop.
He had his arm around his friend,  laughing, often touching George's face.

They were playing fifa and Reece was winning against George while telling a story. George and Blake were listening to it in silence.
After Reece had won he threw his arms around George, who had been pouting. "I was going to destroy him. He made me feel, yea, he made me feel so fucking much at once. I wanted to kiss him, I wanted to kill him, I wanted to pull him away from George as he was mine. And he shouldn't touch George, but me. He should touch me." It went through Blake's head watching as Reece still had his arm around George and was using his other hand to play with George's hair. George was like a little cute dog and Blake would've enjoyed the sight if it wasn't for his stupid feelings for Reece.

George suggested for them to watch something on Netflix and soon after turned on "Mrs. Peregrine's home for peculiar children"
They were sitting on the bed, George put a cover over them as all three of them cuddled. Reece had his arm around George and his right hand on Blake's knee, who had his head on Reece's shoulder. Half through the movie, Reece started using his thumb to stroke Blake's knee making him breathe heavily. His face went red by only one move of his thumb. Reece slowly moved his hand up to his thigh and started stroking it.
Blake simply grabbed Reece's hand to stop him, but Reece decided to turn his hand and hold Blake's hand. Blake took a deep breath as his head turned red and even George noticed now. "Blake? Are you alright?" George asked him and he nodded.
For the rest of the movie, they just held hands under the cover, stroking them from time to time making each other nervous. 
After it ended Blake laid down and had Reece and George cuddle up with him. "Hello." He whispered as the made their way to both of his sides. All three boys closed their eyes, just enjoying the moment when Blake chuckled. "I'm with the boooys." He said making the other two laugh, too. Reece put his leg up against Blake's crotch making gasp. "Sorry." Reece said, but did not move his leg. He then continued to lift Blake's shirt up and put his hand on his stomach while having his ear pressed against his chest to listen to Blake's increasing heartbeat. Blake's hand drew circles on Reece's back making him hum quietly. "I'm going out with Vive tomorrow." George said breaking the silence. "You asked her out?" Blake said sounding excited? George nodded smiling. "Any dudes you find attractive?" George asked and then chuckled. "Except for me of course." He added. "Yea, there is." Reece said. "I can't tell you who, though. But I think he's really hot and he tries to seem all big, but is really easy to irritate." Reece listened to how Blake's heart kept beating quicker and quicker with every word that left Reece's mouth. "And he blushes a lot, which makes him really cute." Reece added to which Blake got embarrassed and his entire head went red. "He sounds great? Will we ever meet him?" George asked well knowing that Reece was talking about Blake. "Maybe one day." Reece answered. "And you? Blake?" George asked feeling how Blake's chest kept rising and lowering in a fast pace. "Uh, not really. Like I find some guys attractive, yea, but no one's really caught my eye yet." Blake answered. Reece took his hand off of Blake's stomach and opened his eyes while he pulled his shirt back down. "But I find Reece quite hot." Blake smirked to see George lift his head and look at Reece who had his eyes wide open and a blush on his cheeks. He moved his head up as well to say something by that moved his leg against Blake who's eyes widen as he put his hand between his crotch and Reece's leg. "Oh. Sorry." Reece said lifting his leg a bit so Blake can pull his hand out and then put his leg back where it was. George put his head back down and closed his eyes, not minding anything. Reece cuddled against Blake again, this time moving his leg on purpose and then putting his hand in George's hair to play with it. After maybe 20minutes of cuddling and almost falling asleep George's phone vibrated and he said that he had to leave. He told them that he'd find his way out on his own and they could just sleep, which was very nice of him.
Blake listened to the front door closing before opening his eyes. Reece started moving his leg against his crotch again making Blake smirk. He moved his hand up to Reece's face and pulled him up to kiss him. Reece eyes widen at first, but he kissed back smiling. Blake slowly moved his lips against Reece's while Reece lifted himself on top of Blake. Blake put his legs around Reece, who broke the kiss to look at him. "Can you not tell people that you think I'm hot?" He asked making Blake chuckle. "Why not?" - "because it's.." Reece stopped to think about how he could describe his feelings best. "Because you make me nervous." He then said quietly making Blake smile and pull him down to kiss him. Reece cheeks were crimson red while kissing his friend. Blake took Reece's shirt off and then turned them around so he could put his head on Reece's chest and listen to his quick heartbeat. "I hate you." Blake said closing his eyes. "Why?" Reece asked him playing with his hair. "You make me feel good." Blake answered. "I can't justify the bad things I do when I don't feel bad." He added making Reece smile. "Then don't do bad things."
"Then I'd have to get up and leave you this instant." Blake told him making Reece nod. He didn't answer anything just put his hands on Blake's ass squeezing it. Blake's eyes widen at the feeling and he hated himself for loving it. He completely forgot about Melody, about his friends, about his pain when he was with Reece. Blake started sucking on Reece's neck, making Reece lift up his chin and tilt his head. Blake sucked harshly leaving marks and rolling his hips slightly. He smiled when he noticed Reece's breathing and that he lifted his hips pressing Blake down and trying to get more friction. "Can you just kiss me again?" Reece asked, his cheeks burning. Blake lifted his head up kissed Reece softly, making Reece lose his mind. He slowly moved his lips licking against Reece's ones having him open his mouth. The brunette slid his tongue inside Reece's mouth and played with the older boys tongue. He then pulled away and kissed along his jaw and down his neck. He sucked on his collarbone before kissing down his chest and stomach, leaving wet kisses on his hot body. He made sure to be slow and soft making Reece lift his hips over and over again as he wished for Blake to hurry up. Blake slowly unbuttoned Reece's pants and unzipped them before pulling them down and taking them off. Reece's hand went to his dick as he started to palm himself, before Blake pulled his hand away. "Be patient." He said when he hooked two fingers into the waistband of his underwear and took those off, too. Blake licked his dick, trying to wetten it all up and then just blew on it. The cold air hit Reece's dick and he twitched in his bed. Blake then finally put his mouth around the older boys dick and started bobbing his head up and down.
Reece put his hand in Blake's hair and moved his head faster, pressing him down further while also lifting his hips from time to time.
He repeated that a few times making Blake pull away to breathe before continuing to suck Reece off in an extremely high pace.
"Stop. Stop." Reece said as he pulled Blake away, his entire body had tensed up. Blake smirked as he wiped his mouth. He took his shirt off and then his pants while Reece was watching before he sat down on Reece's dick. The only thing between Reece's dick and Blake's ass where Blake's underpants. Blake just laid down on Reece -like he did before sucking him off- and enjoyed the feeling of Reece's skin against his own, Reece's boner poking him and the sound of Reece's fast heartbeat.

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