Bruce Banner

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Disclaimer I do not own Bruce Banner or anyone else mentioned!

It was a week after the attack on New York and I was in my house watching TV when all of the sudden there was a knock on the door. I opened it up to find my favorite flowers - roses - on the doorstep! I looked around but I didn't see anyone. I took the roses inside and while I was looking at them I saw a note. I opened the note and it read

I hope you like the flowers. I have set up a little scavenger hunt for you if you are willing. The clues will take you around the city. At the end there is a special surprise waiting for you. The first clue is go to the "big and ugly" building in New York. Good luck.


When I saw that it was from Bruce my heart gave an involuntary flutter. I had been in love with Bruce ever since I saw him. I couldn't wait to see the surprise! I wonder what it is. I kept thinking about what Bruce meant by the "big and ugly building" until it hit me! Big and ugly is what Steve called Stark Tower! I grabbed my jacket and my shoes and headed for Star Tower. While I was on my way I kept thinking about Bruce.

I looked up to see that I arrived at Stark tower. FINALLY! I got out and went into the lobby. When I got into the lobby I saw a note with my name on the front taped to the desk.

Good job. So far you have gotten one out of three locations done. Next go to the after battle restraunt. Keep thinking about your surprise.


What did did he mean about after battle resteraunt? I keep thinking about the stories Bruce told me about the Battle of New York. Oh! He ment the shwarma place they went to. That is only down the street. I think I will walk. While I was walking I saw about 3 little kids who looked to be about 5 years old wearing Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor costumes. Little kids are so cute! I walked into the shwarma place and saw a note on a table.

So far so good. You have two out of three, three left. Go to Central Park. Right by the fountain. See you there.


I couldn't believe it! I was so close to seeing Bruce! I quickly got into the nearest cab and practicaly screamed at the driver to take me to Central Park.when we got there I threw the money at him and jumped out of the cab. I started running until I saw Bruce!

"Hi Bruce!"
"Hello Katherine."
"So what is the big surprise?"
"Well it's hard to explain so I will show you. Do you trust me?"
"With my life."

When I said that he just smiled and grabbed my hand. He took me over to the garden area and showed me these beautiful flowers. They seemed to spell something out so I got a closer look. They spelled....


Before I could even react my chin was being pulled up to look at Bruce. He then kissed me! I couldn't believe it! Bruce, the man I loved was kissing me! I immediately started kissing back. All to soon he pulled away.

"I love you Katherine!"
"I love you too Bruce!"

The End

*Authors note*
This was written a long time ago, as well as the next one. I apologize, my writing was mediocre at best. I have greatly improved. I just put this on here to get the ball rolling.

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