Aaron Rodgers for Abigail

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I'm so sorry! On Friday, I sprained my ankle, and then my internet went out! I had to write this on paper first. Again I apologize. I hope you enjoy this!

The Honeymoon

I look out of the window of our cab. I cannot believe I'm in Paris! It's even better that I'm with my husband! I smile. I still can't believe that I can say that. Speaking of my husband, he's asleep, his head leaning against my shoulder. I can't help but stare at him. He's absolutely adorable, me even though he happens to be drooling on me. The cabbie keeps looking at me through the rearview mirror at me. He just smile. I'll admit, it's a little creepy, but I have the little window thing shut. As if sensing my discomfort, Aaron awakes.

He smiles and asks, "Are you excited to be in Paris, Mrs. Rodgers?"

I roll my eyes. He's been referring to me as Mrs. Rodgers since the second we were officially married.

"Hey, I married the woman of every man's dreams. Let me call her by our shared last name." He says as he kisses my nose. I must make an odd face because he laughs and kisses my forehead.

"You need to sleep. I'll wake you when we get to the hotel. I love you."

"You know, anyone can tell that you two are newlyweds. The love oozes off of you and goes to everyone else." The creepy cabbie says.

"Thanks. I hope it always stays like that." Aaron says while lovingly gazing at me.

I smile and bury my head into his chest. "I love you too."

Aaron kisses my head and starts rubbing my back while humming some song. I fall asleep almost immediately.

"Wake up, Abigail. We're at our hotel."

I shake my head. I'm way to tired to get up.

He sighs, "Really? You're such a child." He picks me up. "It's a good thing Hans and Franz pumped me up"

You smile at the reference, but make no attempt to stop him.

He brings you up to you room on the top floor. The bellboy brings your luggage up behind you. Aaron says something, but you can't hear him. The bellboy unlocks the door and steps back.

"Our Honeymoon has officially started!" Aaron yells as he kicks open the door.

You begin to laugh as he carried you across the door, fulfilling the old tradition. You let out a cry of surprise as you are thrown onto the bed. Aaron flops down beside you and puts his hands behind his head. He looks up at the ceiling.


You look at him, confusion obviously on your face.

He shrugs. "A few years ago, I thought that I would never actually be in love. I'd just come out of a divorce and I had given up. Now here we are, three years late and I'm in Paris, married to the woman who thought I was overrated."

"I know what you mean. I never would've guessed that I would've been married to anyone, let alone Aaron Rodgers."

He looked at me and then pounced. We started kissing and I guess you could say that that was when our honeymoon really began.

500 words!

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