Aaron Rodgers for Abigail

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For this one, it's going to be in three parts. The part in italics is her dream. This part, is going to be the longest. That might change though. We'll see. I was listening to Christmas music while writing this, so it had an influence. Enjoy! These events are made up. They did not happen.

The Wedding

"On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me...."

"A slap in the face of you don't stop! I'm already nervous enough as is! It's only the biggest day of my life! I don't need you singing your stupid Christmas songs!" I exclaim.

"Calm down!" my best friend and maid of honor, Amelia says, "It's not like you're marrying a prince. It's just Aaron. There is a reason that this is a small wedding."

I roll my eyes at the "just Aaron," but I know she's right. Still, that doesn't stop my worrying. Well, it's not just worrying, it's just that I'm anxious. I've been stuck in this dressing room for hours! I've counted the tiles on the ceiling, three times! The carpet is a boring brown and the walls are white. The texture is cool though. It's all swirly. The worst part is the smell! It's a combination of nail polish remover, hairspray, and sweat. That is not a pleasant odor.

"How much longer?" I whine.

"We just have to wait about half an hour until Emily comes to take you to the venue."

Oh, Emily. She's the best wedding planner. She takes care of everything. I couldn't ask for better. I just wish that she would get here sooner! Oh well, I might as well take a short nap.

*The wedding march plays*

I'm so excited to marry Aaron! I have no doubt that he is the love of my life. I grab my father's arm. He gives me a somber look. I begin to worry then realize its probably because I'm growing up so fast. That must be it! We walk down the aisle and I have to keep my head down. 'I am way too embarrassed by this. Well, at least Aaron knows that. He's probably laughing at me right now. Him and everyone else that is.

I get up to the altar and my dad kisses my cheek.

"I'm sorry," he whispers.

I give him a look of confusion. What does that mean? Why would he be sorry? It's my wedding day. I shrug it off. I'll ask him later during our dance. When I'm Mrs. Rodgers! I take deep breath and go to my place. I look up and smile. However, that smile quickly fades when I realize the Aaron isn't there. My eyes widen. Why isn't he here!? He should've been here before I was! I look out at the audience and realize that the side of the church that should have Aaron's friends and family is empty. I tell them that Aaron is coming. He's just running late. They all give me a small, sad smile. They know. They know that Aaron is not coming. He's never coming.

I gasp awake. I sit there breathing heavily.

"It was just a dream," I whisper. I whisper it over and over again. I chant it, trying to convince myself.

"It's time," Emily tells me.

The ride there is a blur I just keep chanting.

We finally arrive. I feel like vomiting. I'm light headed. I knew I should've chosen a different dress. I have no room to breath.

"Grab onto my arm. I'll steady you. I won't let you fall." My dad tells me. I just nod and take his arm. The traditional wedding march plays.

"That's our cue," he tells me while he squeezes my hand. We begin to slowly walk down to the alter. My dad lifts my veil and kisses my cheek.

"I'm proud of you. I love you so much."

I give him a nervous smile and step up to the altar. Aaron grabs my chin and forces me to look at him, as I had been trying not to. He gives me a heart warming smile. I know then, that I love this man and I needn't be nervous. I smile back and he grabs my hands. I'm ready for this.

A/N Don't mind me skipping the vows.... Reception time !

"The bride and groom would like to give a speech."

I take a deep and stand up. "I've known Aaron for a while. It all started one day, where I had to interview him and write an article on it. I'll admit. I thought he was overrated, but when I saw him I thought, 'Damn. That man is attractive.' That obviously hasn't changed. At that point, I was hoping I was wrong about him being overrated. Turned out, I was wrong. And I'm so thankful I was. After the interview, I said goodbye. He asked for a hug and I was obviously going to say yes. Come on he's Aaron Rodgers. Then, this little rabble rouser slipped his phone number into my pocket. Here we are four years later and I'm in a white dress with the same last name as him."

Aaron smiles. He stands up and gives me a kiss.

"Not to brag, but I nailed it." I shake my head at him. He would say that.

"My turn for a speech." he begins, "So, four years ago, my manager calls and says I have an interview. I was not happy. That all changed when I met my interviewer. My first thought, 'That woman is hot. I need her to have my children.' While she was asking me questions, I thought of a plan to marry her. My plan was simple. Taker her on a few dates. Propose and get married. I didn't think of details. For example, I didn't think of how to get her to go on those dates. As soon as I thought that. She said it was the last question. I panicked. She stood up to leave. I couldn't let her get away. I asked her for a hug. While I was hugging her, I put my number in her coat pocket. My hot interviewer is now my hot wife. Moral of the story is, hugging leads to marriage."

As soon as Aaron sits down, people automatically started clinking their silverware against their glasses. Aaron stands up pulling me with him. He then gives me the most dramatic, Hollywood kiss.

1073 words!

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