Chapter Eight: Painful Kill

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King cober seemed to slink back a bit, "I deserve more than your worth ..." He spat off to the side, his facial expression remained as a constant snarl even though he was blind as a bat.  "Your ... Your Foolish." He spat only for his daughter to ram into his side sending him tumbling down into the grass, her claws sinking into his side as he groaned out in pain letting out a sharp wheeze as she made it hard to breathe.  "You... you won't win... even with my death... it won't protect anyone..." He was having a hard time speaking, everything was coming through so harshly. Miya appeared off the side, "Do it Eva! Protect your mother and Eve from this big bad lion... he will never ever hurt anyone ever again!" She was cheering on the lioness though for whatever reason her image seemed a little blurry not that it mattered. Cober roared trying to lash back at his daughter.

Èva took the hit head on. She didn't mind pain. She had went through so much of it on this night. She licked her paw again. She stood there for a moment before chuckling. "It will give me the pleasure of knowing you are not around to bother my mate or mother again. It will solve so many of my problems." She snarled. Her body was anchored down to the ground as she seemed to be waiting to do something. Her eye stayed upon him for a good while before she even tried to jump onto his back. This time, if she managed to get to his back, she held a tight grip. Her mind was shattered completely. She would not be able to think right for anything. Not until she had the taste of the Crimson liquid again. And again. It was odd, but she seemed to be listening to Miya. For what reason? Her mind only knew.

The tigon could barely take much more of this, it seemed the claws were removed from her side which helped her breathe for only on a moment. Her body was hurting but her mental  state was so far lost as she could barely speak. "E-E-eva... please..... st-" Again, the lioness was on top of her with all her weight shifting straight into her spine making her cry out, blood splashing once more before the grass in front of her. How much more, could she take till she truly had no choice.... Her body was shaking so badly beneath the lions hold, she tried to roll but all the weight had her pinned. With the liquid flowing freely from her muzzle she tried to speak again, "E-e-eva..."

If you wade around forever, you will surely drown
I see what's going down.
I see the way you go and say you're right again,
say you're right again

Cober seemed to be enjoying himself despite the pain, that sickening twisted smile never leaving his corrupted face, "E-e-eva....please... do it again!" The first part didn't seem right but the last part of the statement fit perfectly as he laughed only to have the lioness launch herself upon him, the weight of the world upon as his back. She surely could feel it, he was shaking in terror beneath her and even with his old sickly body he could not hide this from her. He tried moving his limbs to stand but failed under her weight, "Is that all you got in you?" Miya flicked her tail giggling, "He just doesn't know when to give up, show him who's boss! Make him suffer for what he has done to your family! Family is the most important thing in the world."

Sin's skull seemed to float eerily in the mist, lanterns catching fire as screams of agony melted from the souls of the dead. The soul harvester was growing bored of this investment, the lovers duet was coming to a closure and with it she would soon collect a treasure that she would be able to devour over time. Her dark talons scratch across the ground as she stood over the illusion of Miya, this was so easy that it was sickeningly sweet.

She tore her jaws from his back, removing a nice amount of fur and skin right along with it. She though, still had to be wary of things. Even she could only fight so much more. Licking her muzzle she grinned at Cober. "You worthless bastard." Her claws came down his side at a rapid speed. "You deserve this pain!" She snarl slashing her claws closer towards his face. The cub chanting her onwards only made her Attack more well until Èva spoke again. "Miya, my friend, Hush before you end up in the same place as him.. Again." She cackled madly. Her eye came upon the male again before placing her paws, with claws elongated, on the side of his neck. She was threatening to push down and finish this. But she couldn't.

She was doomed, she couldn't even scream as she felt her flesh ripped off the back. Eve was going to die by her lover and there was nothing she could do, no matter how loudly she cried out it was as if Eva was no longer even here anymore. Her blood flowed so quickly rushing to meet the earth on this night, she was going to die here....Hot tears fled from her gouged eye sockets as she felt those fangs lower around her neck. Please... Eva... Her breath came so rapid as she laid there helpless, she would try one last time. "P-please... p-please..."

Please, please forgive me,
But I won't be home again.
Maybe someday you'll look up,
And, barely conscious, you'll say to no one:
"Isn't something missing?"

Cober snarled loudly again as the skin was ripped from his back, his blood flowing across his pelt as her remained pinned beneath the large femme. What was she waiting for? "Your wasting your breath, you will save no one if I live... I will return and take what is mine..." He sneered as fangs threatened to press down on his throat, time was not on his side.... Miya fell quiet frowning.

The spirit could almost taste the betrayal across her existence, how sweet will the last breath be upon her being....

She was weakening. She was struggling trying to finish him. Even if it was to protect those she cared for. This was no time to have second thoughts about this. Either she was or not. She wasn't at first, yet he spoke. She now going to harm him till then. Growling she stop wasting time, slamming her claws down through his throat. She purposely missed the one Vein needed to kill him. She still could not kill him off no matter how hard she tried.

The female thought just maybe, maybe it got through to her... just maybe as it seemed Eva had stopped attacking. Just a smile crossed her muzzle she soon was choking, coughing hard as claws were slamming into her throat. There was no way she was going to live through this... this was the end...

You won't cry for my absence, I know -
You forgot me long ago.
Am I that unimportant...?
Am I so insignificant...?
Isn't something missing?
Isn't someone missing me?

Cober was shuddering beneath the lioness's rage, he groaned out once more spitting out another amount of blood across the grass as claws jammed into his throat again. Even without the vital vain exposed he would surely die of blood loss. "Are you.... satisfied... now?" He was so close to death, his tounge sliding across his fang while he choked for air. His claws grinding across the blood stained grass, there was no hope for him any longer as heaven would not even redeem his soul. Miya paw'd at the grass, "He will join us soon enough..." She mew'd quietly...

The sun began slowly rising in the distance just barely peaking its head out on the horizon. The darkness of the night was still upon though the sky had began beautifully changing colors to match the arrays of a decorated sunrise on the cold crisp morning...

The spirit was annoyed as she could not be out during daylight hours, her strength would weigh greatly if this took too much longer... regardless this next bit would be all that she needed.

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