Chapter FIve: My Worse Enemies

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She cackled madly partially out of her own fear of what she was doing. She began to shake again. With the realization that she had just harmed so many. "I apologize. I should have let you all live." She cackled hysterically. It was a shame that the lioness could not even stop herself. She couldn't understand was this pleasure she was feeling or was it utter sadness. Her worse dream come true. Her worse nightmare come true. Then the sounds of the two felines she hat d the most played in the air around her. She stood up, her pelt felt thick and sticky as it matted to get pelt due to the mess she had created. She followed the sound of the felines. A smile crossed her muzzle. "Reika... Raion..." The words dripped like venom from her mouth

The two voices grew louder as the lioness stalked through the grass, the evil spirit was swirling about her with such malleolus that she practically was fueled by the darkest desires, how wonderful was the taste of regret and hatred. Reika's form took shape with a snarl on her face, "Look, there is Eva now... so disgraceful ... --- should have went with Zain." "Eva is not a leader but more over a coward...." Raion joined in, the black mist swirling visibly around their forms only to vanish as they both were fully visible now. Sin had pulled on their images so easily, how Eva disdainfully hated them so much. "You don't deserve our daughter... you are not one of us..."

Eva stood there, again looking half deranged. Licking her muzzle, she chuckled staring at them. She had never felt her hatred so strong for anyone at this point. She stood there with a look of disgrace. "You don't deserve none of the things you have." Eva chuckled. Her dilated pupil would not come off of the pair. "And why the hell would I want to be like you? I don't want to be anything like you two... Pitiful old... Damned by your own child." Eva snarled. She moved closer ready to kill. Her mind was just set for a kill. her mate may disagree, but then again they both equally disliked Reika and Raion. The thought of Eve made her pause. She would love for her mate to agree to this but Eva knew better. She couldn't dare harm them. Not with knowing Eve would not want her to do so.

That was the key that Sin was missing, that name... 

"Eve would disapprove of your actions, what your doing now would be disrespectful and it would spit on her proving just how low you have become." Raion snarled raising his large cranium as his mane whipped around him, claws sinking into the ground. Reika flicked her tail to the side, "No Raion, it would be suiting for us to die such a way.... at the claws of a lowly rogue.. even her own mother didn't want her. Why else would she have been abandoned?" The female lioness laughed towards the distant female to further mock her.

The webs of lies and deceit continued to be woven around the lioness further extracting the images from her mind. In reality two passing deer were standing in the place of the lions. Oh this was going to be far too sweet.... the images played in the spirits essence revealing to her more on this loving relationship....

The lioness growled at first. She hated disrespect more than anything. Yet bringing her beloved's name in this was pushing it. "Keep her name out of your mouth!" She snarled. Yet mentioning her mother Eva began to falter. Eva didn't even remember her past too well. And she damn sure knew that Jinx did not abandoned her. The old pride ran Jinx off. Jinx had no chance to save her. Eva remembered it like that. Jinx wouldn't leave her... Would she? No. Eva would not believe it. "Your so horrible... Speaking of lies. Jinx wouldn't NEVER abandon me. Unlike your pitiful asses. You both left Eve. Jinx would have died if she dare to move in to... save... Me?" Now that her mind was on it. Did her mother leave her alone?

"That's right, we left Eve behind because she was too weak... like you Eva... " The name was there right on the edges of the mind of the lioness ripe for the taking, Reika's eyes narrowed. "Jinx left you behind because you were abnormal, different... pathetic... weak... she was a coward as well. Now we know where you get from, that mouth of yours.... ever wondered how those fires started?" Their eyes met as the sneered at one another before rising to their limbs pacing, circling the lioness. "Someone had to start those fires back then..... someone hated how pretty her pelt was.... you look so much like your father its disgusting." Raion mocked, "At least its better then looking like a rat!" His claws digging deep into the soil, golden eyes staring at her as if to read her very soul.

Eva's ears flattened to her head. Her eye closed tight as she wanted to reject all of this. Yet that sorrowful pain faded quite rapidly into utter hatred towards the two before her. Their taunts were no longer going to affect her. Those words had felt like daggers entering her heart, only to fuel her rage. "I do not look anything like Cober... He is not my father.... Just a damned sperm donor." Her claws scraped deep into the terrain again as she confused herself. She didn't know what to do. She could not attack them. No Eve would not approve. But she could not allow them to taunt her any further. She began to laugh hysterically again. Only for it to end with an ear piercing roar. It was the only way she could release her anger. Right now it was harder than what many would think. "You both are lucky... I am no coward... I am not going to allow you continue to speak lowly of me though... But Eve would not like to see me attack you fools." she wanted to walk away, knowing she could not remain here without losing the grip she had on reality.

The two lions continued to circle the female, smiling... grinning even from ear to ear in a sickening way. "Cober.... oh it was Cobers idea... he wanted her to give him a beautiful daughter that was his spitting image.. Jinx just did not want you.... you looked so similar to her rapist, can you blame mommy dearest for leaving you?" Their words like acid rolling off their tounges, they didn't even flinch at the loud ear piercing roar as it didn't phase them at all. They were after all just images in her head, the grazing deer however ran off into the distance. Raion stopped standing in front of her, "Your fathers close by... why do you two go catch up. You deserve a family reunion...." His words leaking their foul undertones before he moved out of her way retreating back off to his mate, "Come dearest, she isn't worth our time.... Little cub needs to run home to daddy...." A roar echo'd off in the distance answering the call from Eva...

The strings were being woven so tightly.... now... for the final act of this wonderful performance....

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