Chapter Twenty

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Nicole’s POV

The smell of alcohol was chronic. Top of the morning to you too. You’d think Niall was in the room, but I knew that familiar embrace anywhere.

I was still half asleep, but I was awake enough to force his arms off of me as I scooted closer to the edge of the bed. I glanced up at the clock on the bedside table. 7:05am.

Harry wrapped his arms around me again, pulling me back against his chest.

“Stop..” I mumbled pushing his arms away as I scooted further away this time.

“What’s the matter?” He asked in a groggy voice.

I yanked the comforter up to my shoulders, turning on my side with my back to him.

“You get back at 7am and you expect me to just snuggle up to you… yeah, nothing’s the matter,” I said, pulling the cover tighter around me.

“I kinda passed out.. I’m sorry,” he apologized, trying to slip his arm around me again.

I finally decided that he wasn’t gonna let me alone. I threw the covers off, them landing over Harry’s face, and got out of the bed.

“Babe.. I..” Harry started, but I went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I turned the lock, turning my phone on and clicking the message app.

I clicked Michaela’s number and composed a message. I didn’t know if she was awake. She had left a little after midnight last night, I didn’t know what she’d done afterwards, but Niall had went after her, even though I warned him not to.

I hoped they didn’t get into another argument. 

I knew Niall cared for her, but fighting with her isn’t helping anything.

“I dunno if you’re awake, but Harry’s back. Meet me for breakfast? x”

I hit send and went to turn shower on. I took off the purple Pink sweatsuit and stepped under the steaming water. A few minutes into the shower, a knock sounded on the door.

“Nicole.. I need my tooth brush,” Harry said wiggling the door knob.

I shook my head. Yeah, you do, but I’m not dumb. I didn’t reply to him as I finished the shower. I stepped onto the rug and wrapped a towel around me. I grabbed my phone, seeing a reply from Michaela.

“He just now got back..?”

I secured the towel around me and replied.

“About 15 minutes ago.”

I unlocked the door of the bathroom to see Harry laying across the bed, on his phone. He sat up as I walked over to my suitcase.

“Why are you so angry?” He asked as I unzipped the suitcase.

“I’m not,” I said pulling out a dress.

“Yes, you are,” he insisted, standing up.

“I’m not,” I mumbled looking for some shoes.

“Then why are you giving me the cold shoulder?” He asked, now standing beside me.

“I’m not! Go get a shower, you smell horrible. We leave in an hour, so hurry up,” I said rudely as I grabbed the rest of my things.

He didn’t answer for a few seconds, then he just mumbled something to himself and slammed the bathroom door.

My phone buzzed, showing a text.

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