Chapter Ten

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Don’t break down. Don’t break down. Don’t break down.

I repeated those words to myself probably 50 or more times.

Niall knew I was inches from falling apart.

“I’m not,” I said, but the shakiness in my voice definitely said otherwise.

Niall’s thumb gently caressed my cheek.

“Why are you lying?” He asked quietly.

“I’m not,” I repeated.

“Look me straight in the eye and tell me you’re not about to break down,” he said seriously.

I couldn’t. And he knew it. How was it possible I’d been in a room with him for 5 minutes and he knew it? I wondered if Nicole had told him.

“What’s wrong?” He asked softly.

Guess she didn’t.

“Nothing,” I lied, shaking my head.

His Michael Buble ringtone blasted from his pocket and he dropped his hand from my cheek.

“Hello?” He said answering the call.

I took a step back from him. I’d only been here one day. It took almost a complete month before. I couldn’t expect everything to just be ok when I landed this morning. And I also couldn’t just drop everything on Niall just because he wants to know what’s wrong. I’d kept my feelings to myself before and I was fine. I can do it again.

“Alright, I had to stop by Harry’s and Louis’ place, I’ll be there in a few minutes,” he said before hanging up.

He turned back to me, his expression less serious now.

“I’ve gotta go… but.. I’ll see you later?” He asked.

I nodded. His lips parted momentarily, like he was about to say something else, but he clamped them shut and turned, leaving. I wanted to say something, too, but I wasn’t sure what it was.

Nicole came walking back into the kitchen, putting the empty glass in the sink.

“Niall leave?” She asked.

I nodded.

“Okay, soo… change of plans,” she said.

“What?” I asked a bit cautiously.

“Haz and Lou are gonna go hang out with some friends, since we’re leaving tomorrow, and so we get to hang out together,” she said smiling.

“We’re leaving tomorrow?” I asked, surprised.

“Yeah… the tour starts the 22th..” she said nodding.

“Why do I always fly in on the last day?” I asked, remembering when I’d flown to Toronto on the last day before we went to LA.

“Bad luck, I reckon,” Nicole said laughing.

“Yeah..” I said nodding.

I followed her to the living room, where the TV was playing on mute.

“So.. I haven’t had a girls day in FOREVER! What do you wanna do?” She asked plopping down on the couch.

“Well… I haven’t had a girls day in really never so.. you pick,” I said truthfully.

“You’ve never had a girls day?” She asked, her eyes bulging out.

“Not really..” I said quietly, sitting down beside her.

“This is gonna be so much fun!” She said happily.

“Alright, babe, we’re going!” Harry yelled from the other room.

Nicole jumped from the couch and ran around the corner.

“Bye, I love you!” She said.

“I love you too, don’t be too hard on Michaela with the girl stuff,” Harry said.

“Shut up and get your fine tail out of here!” She said laughing as the door closed.

She came running back around the corner, grinning.

“So! How do you want me to torture you today?” She asked smiling hugely.

“Uh…” I didn’t really know how to reply.

“Okay, I’m gonna go put some shoes on and grab my bag and we can go!” She said walking towards the hall.

“Should I be scared?” I asked worriedly.

“Yes.. very..” she said turning to face me.

She grinned evilly as she turned back and went to Harry’s bedroom.

Boys (or Niall really). Mom. Drama. Everything. Those things had made the past few weeks hectic. Having a ‘girls day’ with Nicole sounded good. Great, actually. I was actually excited.

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