Exploring Geosenge, The Road to Shalour and The Art of Reflection!!

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After a quick stop in the Pokémon Center, I headed into Geosenge. And found a random Team Flare grunt singing about how Geosenge is the town of stones. I chased after him, but he said something about stones and Team Flare having flair and something like that.. I don't know. 

Calem ran up to me asking if I'd seen a member of Team Flare (personally, I was more surprised Calem hadn't seen the guy, that orange is visible from at least 5 miles in any given direction). Calem told me the route was a dead end, so I headed up and saw.. a massive pile of rocks. But one rock was clearly hiding a door. 

After being sent to the hotel to learn more about the stones, I began to set off for Shalour City.. and ran into Lucario and Korrina from Route 5! And.. they challenged me to a battle.. (go figure)

Tyrano went out first so I got Tyrano to use Stealth Rock to give us an additional edge, before switching out to Gumbo. After realising my poison moves weren't going to do much, it was a case of yawn and then Fenrir coming in. One Lucario down, and from the speed boosts from flame charge, I knew we could take the second Lucario. 2 more flame charges later, and we won the battle. Fenrir obviously earning MVP for the match, and Fenrir & Blu leveling up to Level 29, and McTubsy reaching Level 25 and learning body slam. Cecelia & Gumbo also reached Level 27, so we were doing decently on all areas. 

A quick pit-stop to the Pokémon Center, and it was off to Shalour City via Route 11. Tyrano tanked a hidden power from a Solosis, but Blu came out and was ready. Tyrano ended up leveling up though and Blu battled the Sigilyph, but after whirlwind dragged out Cecelia, a poison tail landed and Sigilpyh lived on 1HP, dragging out Gumbo to finish the battle. 

Continuing along the route, Professor Sycamore sent a holo clip telling me I needed to find a mega evolution guru dood? (Okay..). I headed down the route a little way and encountered a male Hariyama. Tyrano couldn't do much to Hariyama though so I called in Blu to bring down its health, and Ralphie joined the team. 

But as soon as that battle was over, a trainer spotted us and I began panicking immediately knowing that Tyrano was low after that last battle. Fenrir came out and after being left in the red, managed to pull through. 

We headed back to the Pokémon Center and then straight back to Route 11 to take on a double battle challenge. Tyrano jumped back so Fenrir could go out, while Blu started attacking the Mr Mime. And as Machoke landed a nasty low sweep on Fenrir, I healed Fenrir while Blu attacked Mr Mime again, but didn't take it out, simply confused it, which actually worked out decently. Machoke attacked Blu which left him in the red, but after healing Blu, Fenrir landed a psybeam on Machoke which also confused him. I healed Blu again after a second low sweep, Mr Mime was confused and fainted because it hurt itself, which worked out in our favour. Fenrir and Blu both reached level 30 and Tyrano reached level 27, Cecelia reached level 28 and Machoke also hurt itself. Fenrir landed a psybeam and between Blu and Fenrir, after Machoke used Foresight, the battle was won, with Gumbo also reaching level 28. 

We headed into Reflection Cave and it was on to.. yes, more battling. Our first wild encounter was a roggenrola. Tyrano got it into the red and with that, Rocky joined the team (I know.. very original name). 

After a tough encounter with a Throh and a Hawlucha though, I was very wary of all the battles that we faced after that. Literally aside from McTubsy, everyone else was left under 30HP with Gumbo being left on 7HP. 

Thankfully, I found someone in the middle of the cave who healed everyone up for me, so that was neat. I also remembered I was carrying a bunch of Oran berries which I gave to everyone on the team to hopefully help them if they got into tight spots again. 

At this point I put McTubsy out front to try and get him some more experience, and ended up in a very interesting battle with a bunch of Mime Jr. Lots of confusion, but also a lot of body slams later, and we made it. 

Some more wandering through the cave, and after a horde of Roggenrola, Cecelia finally evolved into Scolipede!!!! My big bug is finally fully evolved. I ran into Tierno and he gave me the TM for Flash, before we headed further through the cave. Although this cave seems to just go on forever and there's so many trainers, but thankfully my Pokémon are getting stronger with each battle, so I guess I just put it down to being similar to grinding. 

Seeing as our next trainer is a fighting dood, I decided Cecelia should lead us in this battle. Who yells BATTLE! in my face so.. yeah. But, between Cecelia and Gumbo, we make it and we continue through the never ending maze of mirrors.. 

We made it to another double battle and between Fenrir, Tyrano and Cecelia we pulled through and then.. yeah. More battles. When I say this cave is never ending I mean it (and it also doesn't help as I write this I need to go have dinner..)


And we made it out of the cave (finally!!) Of course it's the obligatory trip to the Pokémon Center, and then we'll get onto tackling Shalour City's gym and the storyline here. 

I know my enthusiasm kinda dwindled towards the end of writing this entry, I do apologise but I am definitely in need of food! I may play more of this later.. or just simply give myself a break for now as I've played a lot of the Nuzlocke today, but either way - I will see you all in the next update. 

- Dianna xxxxx

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