Chapter 10

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(Adult Bran )

The events following Aegon's survival passed like a blur in Daenerys eyes.   Aegon's men attacked her small group of Unsullied and Dothraki, for a moment they held their own but being outnumbered they quickly lost their ground.

Some of Aegon's men threw magical chains over her dragons, securing them to the ground and their mouths were forced shut.  Smoke escaped both of their nostrils, their eyes glinting trying to reach their mother to protect her but the magic chains were not to be overcome.

Aegon drew Blackfyre and called for his banner men, all of the houses of the Seven Kingdoms who showed allegiance to the Targaryen line flocked to him, including the strong Martells.   Barristan Selmy, Rhaqaro and Jorah quickly flanked her, protecting Daenerys.  She clenched Rhaego to her chest so no one could take him from her too.

Aegon attacked with his men, he slew Barristan Selmy, slicing through him as one would slice through warm butter. She was in shock, her reaction time delayed, she tried to shake herself out of it but all she could do was gape at the body of her former guard.

 Rhaqaro kicked Aegon away, his Dothraki size coming in handy; he had probably fractured a few of Aegon's ribs.

 Dany, Jorah and Rhaqaro ran.   Her legs were too short to keep up with them and eventually Jorah threw her over his shoulder.

Everything she had worked for.

All of the struggles she had overcome.


She had had the Seven Kingdoms in her grasp and she had lost them.


If he was here no one would dare challenge her, no one would dare oppose her, her heart panged for her dead husband.

She had thought herself so clever, so smart, so invincible.

She had appeared with dragons and they had all but thrown the crown at her. Now she was coming to realize that having three full size dragons didn't make one a ruler.

It was bloodshed.

Drogo had tried to teach her, that might was right. But Dany was convinced she could rule with a peaceful hand. She clearly couldn't.

They had made it a mile or two away before some of Aegon's men on horses cut them off. 

 The man approached on a horse, his hand on his ribs and a malevolent glare on his attractive, pale face.

"Aunt Daenerys," He smiled, "I'd like to offer you the chance to be my bride, in the Targaryen tradition of old, I will be the King and you shall be my wife, and together we can continue the Targaryen line."

Why hadn't she seen it before? The lines of his jaw were the exact same ones as her brother Viserys, his brow bones and eye shape the same as Rhaegar's.

She stared at him in panic, unable to speak, Jorah answered for her, "Never, you have slain her men without proper cause to do so! These are tantamount to war crimes, you will pay for them!"

"Let her answer for herself," He said, silencing Jorah.

"Never," She whispered looking at the ground, gritting her teeth, she slowly looked up and met his eyes, they were the exact same shade of violet as hers, "I will never wed you, be your queen or share your bed. Even if I could bear children or submit to a man, it would never be with the likes of you."

"Then you will die," He sighed in mock disappointment, he wasn't the least bit upset, she could practically see the bloodlust pulsating off of him, he wanted to kill her. He was as blood thirsty as a dragon.

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