Chapter 20

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Aegon thought of what his cousin had said, the clever smirk on her pretty little face, mocking him.

He knocked his goblet of wine to the ground, his teeth grit with rage, "I've given those damn Northerners long enough."

"Your grace, if the rumors are true, Drogon and Viserion have gone to Castle Black, it is said that Queen Daenerys is there with Rhaegal the Slow Roaster," His King's Hand explained.

Aegon smirked, "I have a means of taking care of the dragons."

"Your grace, if Queen Daenerys is able to muster her Unsullied and her Khalasar into crossing the Narrow Sea we will be grossly outnumbered."

"That would leave her holdings in Essos unprotected," Aegon laughed, rising to his feet, "And why do you keep calling her Queen? She is nothing but my aunt, nice enough to procur my throne for me."

Aegon looked to his Kingguard, "Cut his head off and put in on a pike, then find me a Hand who doesn't call Lady Daenerys, Queen."


Val led two Night's watchmen in, "The blonde one, we'll put her in Lady Sansa's extra room."

Sansa jumped up from her seat next to sleeping Bran, "What?"

Val cocked an eyebrow at Sansa, "This is fortress, we don't have endless quarters for ladies to stay in, you have two bodyguards, all the men know to stay away from your area, it's the safest place for her."

"Ok, I suppose that's fine," Sansa sighed, sitting back down, returning to hold Bran's hand as he slept.

The men picked up Myrcella and Val followed them out, casting Sansa a curious glance

"What was that about?" Arya snickered from her bed.

"What?" Snapped Sansa.

"That! Your crazy reaction. Is it because she's that Joffrey cunt's sister or do you not want someone in your quarters?" Arya probed Sansa with her eyes, "You don't want anyone in your quarter's!"

"Not true!" Sansa growled, "Shush! Bran is resting, he's had a very taxing few weeks."

"Oh please, Bran's had more fun in the last few weeks than he's had in years," Arya grinned, "You're hiding something, you lied to Jon."

"No I didn't," Sansa held Bran's hand tighter, looking down and avoiding her sister.

"Are you having an affair? With one of the Watch?" Arya asked, "Are you secretly bethrothed?"

Sansa shook her head, "That's ridiculous, who would want me? Married to a Lannister and then to a Bolton, the latter of which took my virginity in no uncertain way, no one would want to marry me. I'm spoiled goods."

"Oh please, times have changed, if someone doesn't think you're worthy because of that then fuck them, they aren't worth the likes of Sansa Stark, not Bolton or Lannister" Arya rolled out of bed and hobbled over to Sansa, sitting in the chair next to her, embracing her sister in her weak arms.

And for the first time in years, since her wedding night to Ramsay, Sansa burst into tears.

Sometime later, Val came to collect Arya leaving Sansa alone with her thoughts and Bran.

Sansa could think of someone worthy.


Val helped Arya hobble into a chair facing Jon at his desk.

Rickon was already there as well as Sam.

"Did you find, Lady Daenerys?" Jon asked Val.

Val shook her head, "I couldn't."

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