Chapter 1

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Jon placed Bran's twelve page letter down on his old desk and ran his hand over his face. What was he going to do? This dragon queen was just as ferocious as her leathery pets were and about a thousand times as irritating. In the year since she came to power he hadn't really had a problem with her, not since she had flown to the Wall on her dragons. But he worried for Bran down in King's Landing, when he had left his heart had leapt in his throat. He remembered his father going south, his brother Rob going south, what had happened to those two?

A mangled sigh escaped through his clenched teeth. He remembered the day he'd met the Dragon Woman.

            It was frigid that night, just like every other night. Jon looked to Sansa, her cheeks and ears were bright red. She hadn't adjusted to the cold yet, she's been so long in the South. It made him sad, he remembered playing in the snow all through their childhoods and here she was, a Southern girl now.

            They were watching Arya train Rickon. Arya was nineteen now and still the favorite of his siblings. She had always been a little tomboy but now she was a full fledged assassin, having trained with the Faceless ones of the far East. Rickon was big for twelve, at least a full taller than his older sister and yet she was making a fool out of him.

            "Idiot! Don't duck when I swing at you!" Arya screeched. Jon grimaced, her voice was just as high pitched and grating as before.

            "Why not?!" Rickon yelled back, his voice cracked. Poor bugger was going through puberty. You couldn't pay Jon enough money to go through it again.

            "I could easily knock you on the head with my hilt or slice your useless head clean of your shoulders!" Arya snickered swinging again. Rickon jumped back this time but almost dropped his sword in the process. Jon sighed, at least he was learning.

            He turned his eyes to Stannis and the sorceress on his lap. Jon may have been the Commander of the Night's Watch and the one who had united the Wildlings but Stannis still considered himself a King. Jon had no particular interest in him, the Watch and the Wildlings alike were loyal to him but Stannis' men and their strange religion were getting annoying, always burning things but as long as they kept bringing their shipments of food they were welcome. And yet, he couldn't wait until Stannis himself decided to travel south again and try to once again conquer King's Landing but with him at the wall for nearly eight years now, Jon's hope was dwindling.

            But it didn't matter, Jon was happy. He had his siblings back, Ghost at his feet and his best friend Sam at his right. Summer was cold and winter was worse but his last name wasn't Snow for anything, he was made for the cold.

            "W-what is that?" Sansa asked, her chattering teeth jarring Jon from his thoughts. One delicate finger pointed into the dark sky.

            "A star perhaps? Polaris is in that direction" Sam suggested, playing with his Maester's chain. He looked at Sansa blushing, Jon suspected his friend had a bit of a crush on the girl. As did most of his men, his little sister was quite the beauty and he had even heard Stannis talk of arranging a marriage. But Jon would rather go to war with the man before he let somebody take his siblings away from him again.

Jon squinted up at the object in the sky, "It's moving, it can't be a star."

"A shooting star then?" Sam answered, still giving Sansa shy glances.

"No it's funny shaped, not circular." Sansa pulled her Stark white cloak closer around her.

From the white object came a burst of fire, stopping everybody in the area. Rickon dropped his sword and Arya took the chance to knock him on his ass.

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