Chapter 13

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Aegon had come by again, to collect another of Bran's potions.  Bran snickered to himself, the king thought he was giving him a potion that would calm the dragons but he'd been giving them nothing of the sort. He told had told the king that it took a year's worth of doses to be effective and the king had been coming by weekly to collect.

Around King's Landing, everyone talked about the impending war with the North, the king's men terrified of braving the wall.  Bran didn't blame him, his thoughts drifting off to nearly starving while on the run. He shook his terrible memories away, all it did was bring up thoughts of Meera. Bran had been on edge for nearly a year, he was utterly surprised the King still had no idea who his family was. Still, the king's ignorance of his heritage didn't make him any less paranoid, too nervous to write Jon or his other siblings at any length. He knew it must've been driving Sansa half mad by now.

He wheeled his way through the cobbled floors of the Guild Hall, towards his quarters. He had taken to teaching some of the apprentices, alchemy was becoming a popular trade but unfortunately not everyone was as magically inclined as he was and his students were failing horribly.

The hairs rose on the back of his neck as he drew closer to his quarters, something felt off in the air around him. The stone door of his small cell was ajar, his room in shambles, papers shredded and tossed all over, half of his books bent and broken. It was then that Bran felt a sword at his throat, his attacker's other hand squeezed his shoulder.

"The king wants to see you, Brandon....Stark," His attacker snickered. He heard another set of footsteps behind him, as he was struck in the temple with the hilt of a sword and a dark sack went over his head.

Jon stared at the former queen in shock, never before had he seen a sight so beautiful, he would've thought her pale hair and coloring would've made her blend in to their snowy surroundings but instead she stuck out like a diamond in dark mine. She wore a pale purple silken dress the same color as her eyes and its near translucence left very little to Jon's eager imagination.  Her hair had grown longer and curled down to her waist in silvery waves.  His eyes drank in every inch of her.

"Your highness," Jon gasped, unsure what to say. He stood there like an idiot, Ghost calm at his side.

She dismounted Rhaegal and approached him without a word, she looked at him with a smirk, "You never addressed me as such when I was a queen, why now that I'm not?"

"I—I don't know," Jon wanted to smack himself, he hadn't been this stupid since his first conversation with Ygritte. He had pictured this reunion a thousand times and not in a single one of his scenarios did he come off like a complete imbecile. Val and Sam were sure to find his bumbling hilarious when he told them later. He shook his head," Why are you here—Daenerys?"

He it seemed odd to call her by her first name, Jon nearly choked on it.

She looked down, an embarrassed look on her face, "I don't know."

They stood in silence for a minute before Jon coughed, "Everyone says your dead."

"Do I look like a ghost to you?" She laughed.

No, she looked like a goddess to him, "You look alive and well, where have you been?"

"Is it strange that I had travelled all over the world and had never really seen it? I decided to travel and truly take in the sights. After what happened, I was struggling to remember any good I had seen in this world, anywhere without war, bloodshed, slavery or rape and I couldn't think of a single one. And then I realized, I hadn't just come across a ton of darkness in the world, I had sought it out. I decided I was way over due to seek some good in the world," Her lavender eyes sought his and Jon's heart started to thump madly in his chest.

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