Chapter 13 (Akiko Rei)

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Chapter 13 (Akiko Rei)

Jun flinched, her hand that had been reaching for the notebook slowly lowered to the bed. "It's my special journal. When I get upset I write in there." She finally said.

I looked back at the book and closed it, before giving it back to her. "Everyone has their own way of dealing with negative emotions. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have read it without permission."

Jun took it and then sighed. "Because it's you, it's okay." She said.

"But that last song, it's almost like... a love song." I commented. Jun flipped to it and read it, her eyes flicking as she scanned the page.

"Oh..." She trailed off, since she already knew how I came to that conclusion.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Well, I..." Jun looked at me and I tilted my head slightly. She took a breath and sat up. "I think I'm in love with Syo." She announced.

"Ah, finally!" I replied with relief. "Took you long enough." I scolded.

"Ya, except romance is forbidden..." She started and I stuck a finger over her mouth.

"You let me deal with the details. Trust me, Jun, I will make this turn out." I said. She smiled slightly and then nodded. "Go back to sleep." I said softly. She closed her eyes and was out in moments: apparently she was exhausted.

I smiled and stood, leaving her room. I closed and locked her door before I ran down the stairs two at a time. Skipping steps with short legs can be a dangerous business and I ended up on my knees at the bottom. I jumped up without hesitation and left the dorms for the main building.

I didn't slow until I reached Shining's door and even then I hit it hard. "Enter." He said. I took a breath and entered, gently closing the door behind me. "Oh, Rei. This is a surprise."

"Sorry, but can I have a moment?" I asked and he nodded. "I know that only idols are meant to ask for big requests, but I have one." I started.

"A big request?" Shining looked interested. "This doesn't have anything to do with Ryuu Takeshi does it?"

"It doesn't. It concerns Jun and Syo." I said. Shining didn't say anything but leaning forward with his head on his hands. "I'm sure you've noticed already, but they love each other. My request is simple: allow them to be together."

"Interesting. What is the reason?" Shining asked.

"Why? Because Jun is my best friend and this is the most I've ever seen her like someone and I will do everything I can to give her a chance." I said.

"Even quit Modern Classic?" Shining asked.

"Yes." I replied without hesitating. "I even have a plan for how you could do it without causing a scandal and without damaging either's reputation."

"You've thought about this very hard." Shining commented.

"Of course. I knew that if I didn't you would simply refuse." I responded and he chuckled.

"Then share this plan of yours." He said as he sat back.

"It's rough, but basically we announce it alongside Jun's debut, before paparazzi can get any shots of them together and twist it. We can make it out to be a pure love; that wouldn't hurt Syo's image, would it?" I explained.

"No, that wouldn't do much damage to either him nor STARISH." Shining said as he thought about it. "Ah, but what about you and Ittoki?"

I swallowed and let out a breath. "I'd be willing to leave him, even leave Modern Classic and the Master's program, if you can make this happen." I told him.

"You certainly have quite the resolve." He said.

I nodded. "Jun is the most important person to me. If I can do something to make her happy, then I will."

"Don't worry, I won't kick you out of the Master's program. I will demand that you allow Takishi into your band." Shining said.

"Done." I replied.

"And also, if you would like, we could pair you with Ittoki at the same time." Shining offered.

"No thank you. Ittoki still doesn't know about how I feel so I won't push my feelings onto him like that." I said.

"Okay. Then let's start with a concert for Modern Classic, with a special appearance by STARISH. I will do this, however in return you need to prepare the songs. One for STARISH, two or three for Modern Classic, one for Jun and Syo, and one for you and Ittoki." Shining informed me. I opened my mouth, but he continued talking. "I know you don't want to share outright that you and Ittoki are a pair, but we can hint at the possibility."

"Okay. Thank you, Shining." I bowed to him and let out a breath of relief. I turned to go, but he stopped me.

"Oh, and Rei? I give you a month." He said.

"A month to...?" I questioned.

"To write, choreograph, and practice the songs, to prepare costumes, and to a choose a theme for the concert." Shining said. I ran over that list in my head and smiled.

"A month, huh? Consider it done. I won't fail." I warned him before I hurried out the door.

"No, I don't think you will." I thought I heard him say. I managed to make it outside before I started running. I ran all the way to the lake and started shouting. After spinning until I was to dizzy to stand, I finally dropped onto the cold grass and let out a breath with my eyes closed.

"Niisan, Jun's found it. Please help me to make this concert a success." I thought as I looked at the stars. Suddenly a star shot across the sky. I smiled; it was as if my brother was telling me he'd grant that wish. There was a pause, then suddenly the entire sky lite up with falling stars, more than I could count.

I looked at the sky and smiled. "How's that for a theme, Shining? A Meteor Shower." I thought. I started laughing and suddenly I couldn't stay there any longer. I had to get started.

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