Chapter 28 (Jun Megumi)

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Chapter 28 (Jun Megumi)

Akiko and I were led to a room, there was a dress rack that had two dresses on it. "Please take your time to get changed," the bellhop sai before he left.

"I'm going to kill both of them," I said as I walked towards the dresses.

"There's no way they even had time to do this," she commented. "Ittoki didn't even know about it."

"And Syo wasn't on his phone at all, was Ittoki?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Who do you think did it?" she asked in return as she touched one of the dresses.

"Ren?" I suggested.

"Definitely Ren," she answered. There was a note on each dress, one had my name and the other Akiko's. My dress was dark purple and Akiko's was dark blue.

I pulled off the dress Nathan put me in and slipped on the dress that was chosen for me, it fit perfectly. Nathan had to have helped with the sizes. I took out my hair as Akiko got her dress on. I brushed out my hair loosening the curls just a little an decided to leave my hair down, I touched my necklace that my mother had given me. I never took it off, only when I was on set and when my costume couldn't hide it. I looked at myself in the full body mirror and I could hardly believe it was me. I usually never wore dresses, it was even rarer for me to be in high heels, and I was even wearing makeup. I decided to wipe off my makeup and when I looked back in the mirror, I looked a little more like myself.

"We look great," she stated. Akiko really did look great in her dress, she definitely looked better than me.

"Yeah," I replied.

"So, I'm guessing everything was okay with Syo?" she asked.

"Yeah, and Ittoki?" I asked and she blushed. "Akiko, what happened?"

"Nothing," she replied quickly before turning away from me.

"Liar, come on, tell me," I said as I grabbed her hand.

"Ittoki kissed me," she blurted out and then she sighed in relief as I was rendered speechless.

"Seriously?" I finally asked and she nodded. I couldn't help but squeal and hug her. Both of our lives were changing so much since we came into the master's program, everything seemed to be working itself out.

"Well we shouldn't keep our boyfriends, waiting, should we?" she asked.

"Boyfriends. I seriously thought that I would never get one," I commented in disbelief and we both laughed before opening the door. I grabbed my hat and placed it on my head before heading over to the door. A few feet away stood the bellhop.

"Right this way, ladies," he said and we followed him into the restaurant where we saw the boys sitting there waiting for us. If I thought that their jaws dropped when they saw us earlier, it was nothing compared to their faces now, which, again, made me feel self-conscious. Akiko squeezed my hand and we walked over to them and sat down.

"You two look amazing," Ittoki complimented.

"Thank you," we both replied.

"You guys look great too," Akiko added.

"So Ren planned this?" I asked.

"No!" they both protested quickly.

"Uh huh," I replied and we all laughed. "But guys this really is too much."

"No it's not," Syo said as he slid in his in mine, which made me blush. We talked for a while and ordered our food.

"Wait, so you guys were chased by fans?" I asked and Ittoki and Akiko both nodded. "Wow, I mean we saw fans but they seemed more interested in yelling at Syo for not giving me a proper date rather than pictures and things like that."

"They yelled at you for not giving her a proper date?" Akiko asked trying to hold back a laugh and failing.

"Yes, it was very bad," he replied trying to act sad.

"I don't know which is worse," Ittoki commented.

"Jun," a voice behind us said. I knew the voice. I prayed it wasn't him, but as soon as I turned around to see who it was I regretted it. It was him. It was my dad. "Jun, it is you."

"Mr. Megumi?" Akiko asked.

"Oh Rei, it's good to see you again, you've grown quite a bit," he said to her.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as calmly as possible, but I couldn't hide my quivering voice. Syo squeezed my hand, but I didn't dare look at him or Akiko or even Ittoki, if I did I would break, so I kept my eyes on my father.

"I uh work here," he replied. "When I heard the stars from STARISH and Modern Classic were here, well I just had to make sure it was you. I saw your performance, it was amazing."

"I don't need compliments from you," I spat. "You need to leave."

"But I..." he began and I cut him off.

"You need to leave. You lost your right to be in my life," I said. I know my friends were looking right at me. I know they were all confused. I had only told Akiko that he left. I never told her why. There were so many reasons. That stupid fight. What he did to my mom and I. What he did to Akiko's family. I could never forgive him for so many things. And then he disappeared without a word to any of us. Coward.

"Jun, can't we talk?" he asked.

"No, we can't," I replied.

"Jun, please," he said as he touched my shoulder. I stood up and moved away from him, letting go of Syo's hand. I saw my friend's faces. They were confused, worried. I took off running the best I could in heels, but it was hard. I was just out of the hotel when I took them off and picked up the bottom of my dress in my hand so it wouldn't drag. Once the shoes were off I took off running again, tears beginning to stream down my face, but I didn't stop running. I ran through a crowd of people and then stopped when I saw why they were all gathered. Tokiya and Ren were there, they must have been working. We were near the recording studio.

"Jun?" Ren asked when he saw me and the paparazzi started taking pictures of me, realizing who I was. Everyone was asking what I was doing, but only Tokiya and Ren seemed worried. I wanted to be alone. I stepped back and kept stepping back, not able to tell them to go away. They wouldn't listen to Tokiya and Ren as they told them to back off. I stumbled a little bit as I had stepped off the sidewalk. I stepped back again, still not answering the people, but now I couldn't hear them. All I saw was the flash of pictures of being taken and mouths were moving, asking me questions. I kept stepping back. Then I heard something, the screeching of tires. Everything felt like it was in slow motion as I turned my head and saw a car coming towards me. I tried to move, but my body wouldn't listen to my command.

And then I was on the ground. I was looking at the sidewalk I had previously been on. Ren and Tokiya were suddenly there, they were asking me something, but I couldn't tell what it was my vision blurred, I couldn't read their lips. Vaguely I began to hear someone yelling at people to call and ambulance. Then everything was dark and silent.

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