Chapter 16 (Jun Megumi)

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Chapter 16 (Jun Megumi)

I had gone to the hospital to visit my mom, she hadn't woken up, but I wanted to check in on her. By the time I had gotten back home Akiko was hard at work and I didn't want to bother her. I found Nori asleep with Nanami next to her. "Thanks for watching after her Nanami," I said.

"Oh Jun, welcome back and it's no problem at all, your sister is great," she replied.

"Yeah she is." I smiled.

"Rei seems to be working hard," she commented.

"She always does, I've learned its best to just let her work and help when you need to. Which means I'll be starting on the lyrics soon," I replied and Nanami laughed a little.

"Are you working tomorrow?" she asked.

"Yeah, in a way it'll be fun going back to work, but I like hanging out here," I replied.

"What about Nori?" she asked as she looked down at my sister.

"She wants to visit the set and my director gave me the 'go ahead', so she'll be with me tomorrow," I replied.

"And how's your mom?"

"She'll be okay." I smiled.

"Nee-san?" Nori asked as she rubbed her eyes and sat up.

"Hey sleepy head," I replied before I sat down and pulled her into my lap.

"I have some things I need to do, I'll see you later Jun," Nanami said and then she left just as Syo came in. I knew he wanted to talk.

"Hey Nori, I think Masato is going to start dinner, why don't you go help him?" I asked. Her eyes widened and she jumped up and ran to the kitchen, my sister loved to cook. "Want to sit?" I asked him. He walked over to me and sat down.

"Were you sick?"

I took a deep breath. "Kind of."

"Kind of?" he asked.

"Syo, please don't, just leave it be," I replied.

"Why Jun?" he asked.

"You're persistent," I commented.

"Yeah that happens," he replied. "Especially when I get lied to."

"I didn't lie to you Syo."

"You said you were sick."

"In a way I was and that's all you need to know right now."

"Seriously?" he asked. "You can't tell me more after all the time we've spent together?"

"That's right. I need to go, I have to write some lyrics," I replied before I pushed past him and went to my room. On my desk sat Akiko's music sheets and they had sticky notes on them about the theme of the songs and some ideas she had for lyrics. I started to work and a little while later someone knocked on my door.

"Dinner," Syo said.

"Not hungry right now," I replied, I heard him sigh and then I heard him leave.


I really hadn't spoken to Syo since our small argument, we both acted well enough together while filming, but as soon as the director said 'cut' we were back to silence. Well more like I was back to silence, he tried to talk to me on several occasions, but he soon gave up when he saw that I didn't want to talk to him. I was outside with Nori when he came out holding sheet music.

"You need something Syo?" I asked.

"We're going to be singing a duet together during your debut," he explained before he handed me the music. It was the song I had written from my blue notebook. I would have to kill Akiko later. "Akiko said you wrote it."

"I did," I replied quietly.

"So Jun you really get to preform on stage?" Nori asked.

"That's right and guess what you'll be backstage watching the whole thing," I replied and her eyes lit up. "However Syo and I have some work to do, why don't you go see if Natsuki is busy?"

"Okay," she replied happily and the she ran off.

"So that song it seems like..." he began, but stopped before finishing almost like he didn't want to.

"Like what?" I asked.

"A love song," he replied hesitantly.

"Wasn't originally intended for that, but yeah that's how it ended up," I explained and it was the truth.

"So it was about someone?" he asked.

"Sort of. It was just a way to express myself at the time, it wasn't supposed to be a song," I explained and then I realized I explained a little too much.



"Who is the song about?"

"No one, if you don't want to sing it I have a couple others we could sing."

"No, I like it. We can sing it," he replied.

"Okay then, we can start practice whenever and we can practice while on break at the set too," I suggested.

"That works as long as you won't be too tired," he replied.

"I'm used to it," I said with a shrug.

"Does this mean we can talk again?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that Syo. A lot has been going on," I apologized.

"I know I shouldn't have pushed you," he replied.

"So we cool?" I asked.

"Definitely," he replied with a smile and I swore my heart skipped a beat. This was going to be a long month.

"Now if you excuse me I have a best friend to yell at," I said and then I walked off. Ryuu stopped me when I got inside. "What is it?"

"What did you say about me joining the group?" he asked.

"Huh?" I asked again.

"What did you say about me joining Modern Classic?" he asked again.

"What? Nothing. Shining wants you in and for some reason Akiko agreed, end of story."

"You're okay with that?"

"Look. Akiko is my best friend and if she feels like you can be in the group then by all means welcome. But mess up or mess with Akiko and I will make sure you're out of the masters' program, get it?"

"Got it."

"Good, now I have to go," I replied and then I moved past him and went to find Akiko. I found her dancing in the practice room. "What are you planning?"

"Huh?" she replied as she stopped.

"What. Are. You. Planning?" I asked again.

"What do you mean?" she asked in reply.

"The song. My song. It's going to be my and Syo's duet? What do you think you're doing?" I asked.

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