Chapter 1

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It's inevitable everything good comes to an end.

- One Direction 


"I love you, love you to the ends of the earth. I love you to the moon and back and back and back again. Wherever that large expanse of space leads, I love you to that. I love you like our walks out at night, slow and yearning. I love you. You are my one great love. I thank the universe, the heavens, and God every single day that they conspired for me to be with you, and to be standing here right now, to promise you, to the end of our days, I love you, Jennie Kim Park."

I kept replaying the video when I told Jennie during our wedding reception. I took another sip of beer, biting my lip as I tried to stop crying again. The pain was too much for me to handle. She meant the whole world to me.

Remembering the ring that she threw, I took it out of my pocket. I stared at the precious valuable. It was enough to break me all over again. How did it come to this? We were happy. There wasn't a day I'd miss coming home to her, greeting her, loving her, and spending time with her.

"I've had enough of you, Chaeyoung-ah!"

I closed my eyes, remembering her words before she left me. Was she never happy because I was too busy with work? I leave her alone at home for work. And spend little time with each other? She must have had enough, and I was too preoccupied with unnecessary things to notice.

But I would never cheat. Why would I cheat on the woman I love? For all I know, someone planned it all. I've had enemies when it comes to business. Losing my company wouldn't hurt me more than losing my wife. And I've lost both.

Shareholders from my company are terminating our deals. All because of that stupid scandal. I'll have to step down as the CEO and let my good-for-nothing cousin take over. The news of my scandal spread like fire. My parents are sure enough to have heard about it, and I've broken their trust.

"You'll always be a failure,"

I smiled bitterly; they were right all along. I couldn't make my parents proud no matter how much I tried, and I couldn't make myself a better wife to Jennie. Just when things start to get better, it'll only lead to a great downfall.

"Breaking News: CEO from the biggest music company, Park Entertainment, gets caught in a scandal-"

I threw my glass of wine to the flatscreen, not wanting to hear more foolish news. I've lost everything. My parents are probably trying to disown me again, and Jennie left since she disappeared and never returned. Everything is my fault.


"You sure you'll be fine?" My best friend, Lisa, asks as we finish setting up where I'll be living from now on.

I nodded tiredly and smiled, "It's now or never."

"I'll see you soon, alright? I gotta finish some work at the studio," Lisa hugged me and smiled before she left.

A week after the horrifying reality, I stepped down from my position and had Chanyeol take over. The people were grateful for it, and the company was slowly rising. I decided to live with my grandparents, who still accepted me. I cried when they believed that I didn't cheat. So right now, I'm living in this modern house not too far away from my grandparent's mansion inside the villa.

Jennie never contacted me. All she sent were divorce papers with her signature. It broke me knowing I'll never have the chance to make things right. If this is what she wants, then I'll sign the papers. It'd be better this way. At least for her.

I caused too much trouble. I decided to end things with Jennie and live at the villa located in Jeju. It's better to isolate myself from the world. The universe was never on my side, and I have consistently been called a failure. The world is dark, selfish, and cruel because even the slightest ray of sunshine destroys it. What I feared the most finally happened. And that was losing my wife. 

Your parents must be proud of you for leaving me. They've never liked me anyway, no matter how hard I tried. At least whenever you are not around. 

I don't deserve my parents.

I don't deserve you, Jennie.

The world doesn't deserve a person like me.


R U B Y  J A N E

It's been ten months since I woke up from the accident. I'm still adjusting to things. Luckily, my parents, friends, and wife were there. It's been a month since we moved back home with Sooyoung, and I couldn't be more excited.

I was surprised when I learned that I was married. It was a relief when mom explained that Sooyoung is a great woman. And to tell you honestly, she has been patient with me.

Right now, we were watching my favorite Disney movie, as said my wife, which was Tangled. The doctor explained that I should take things slow since I'm still recovering. I shouldn't be overworking myself because I'll eventually have my memories back. I was beyond happy when Sooyoung and my parents were there for me. Whenever I get confused or have a hard time, they help me, especially with Sooyoung.

Sooyoung had me wrapped around her arm,s and I have never felt safer with her aside from my parents. I smile as I bury further into her embrace, earning a kiss on my head.

"Do you love the movie?" She asks as she intertwines our hands.

I nodded. "Now I know why this was my favorite," I replied with Sooyoung smiling.

"Thank you,"

"Anything for you, love." She says, making me blush.

I frowned a little when I began to overthink. Despite being here with Sooyoung and seeing my family. Why do I still feel empty? Like there's a deep part in my heart that I wish to feel. A feeling that I couldn't do with Sooyoung.

I shrugged off the thought, realizing that maybe because of my amnesia. But I shouldn't worry because everything will be back to normal. Not now, but soon. Everyone I love is here, and that's all that matters.

Once the movie finished, Sooyoung guided me to our room. We lay down on the bed and stared at each other. 

"I love you..." My eyes widened at what she said.

Sooyoung notices my lack of response and chuckles.

"You don't have to say it. I'm just here to remind you that I love you." Her hand reaches for my cheek.


Don't Say Goodbye has been through a lot. I appreciate your patience.

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