Chapter 14

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I inhaled deeply as I twisted the doorknob. It has been days since I've wanted to open this door. The door where I placed all those sticky notes for Jennie whenever I felt guilty of not being there for her when I was busy with work.  And then I opened, colorful sticky notes pasted on the walls. I sighed and sat on the floor, staring at the letters around the room. 

My phone vibrated, and I took it out. Namjoon was calling. I accepted the call and sighed again; this better be important.


"Is Chanyeol around?"

"He arrived from New York yesterday. He's in the coffee shop just across from your company." 

I laughed bitterly. "You mean his company, Joon-ah."

"You know you worked hard for that shitty company to rise when your parents couldn't." 

"It's all in the past. I'll be going there now." 

"Do you want our company? You might do something bad." 

"I'll be fine on my own. Trust me on this." 

Before Namjoon could reply, I ended the call and headed out of the mansion. 


I arrived at the coffee shop, and surprisingly, Chanyeol was still there. He was sitting down with a cup of drink. I took a deep breath and went inside. I felt I was back in a world of pure darkness with each step. The life I used to have before Jennie came along into my life.

Chanyeol noticed me when I was standing in front of him. His eyes widened, and he almost choked on his drink. "You look shit," He says, seeing my state. 

"You think?" I asked as I sat opposite him. We were facing face to face, and he had this look in his eyes that he was afraid. We both knew I was better than him. 

"What brings you here, dear cousin." He breaks the silence and speaks calmly. 

"I only ask a simple favor from you, cousin," I say, my voice bitter at the last word.  


"What I want from you is to answer me honestly," I say, and he begins to furrow his eyebrows. He knows now that I wasn't here to have some fun. This was something serious.

I noticed how Chanyeol shifted uncomfortably. But before I could even say anything. He interrupted me.

"As much as I want to stay and talk with you. I have things to attend to. It was nice meeting you, dear cousin." He says and immediately stands up, leaving. 

"Are you trying to run away again?" I say, which makes him stop. He looks back, furrowing his eyebrows again, and walks around.

"What are you even talking about?" He asks softly, despite his tall figure. I wasn't afraid of him. 

I smiled. "Oh, come on, cousin, isn't that what you do? Runaway from your problems? Your fears? Tell me, are you afraid of what I'm about to ask from you?" 

He exhales, clearly stressed. He can never run away from me. After all, we were inseparable once. I knew him. He bit his lip before taking out a card that seemed to be his number. 

"I'll talk to you later." He said in defeat and went out. 


B L A A A G!!!

I was met with a punch on the cheek. I stumbled down and coughed.  Chanyeol and I decided to meet at my parent's mansion. Luckily, my parents weren't at home. They had a business to attend overseas. We were now in the garden, where Chanyeol and I used to be, whenever we wanted to escape our family. 

This man standing in front of me was once my brother. The man whom I respected and looked up to. We had each other. But it all ended when he started drifting away from me. I never knew the reason why he started hating me. Yet despite our hatred towards each other, I respected him and never did fight back. 

"Why'd you have to show up?" He asks angrily, grabbing my collar and throwing another punch. 

"Are you here to take back what you once had?" He asks again. 

I coughed and chuckled bitterly. "You think I came back here to take back this shitty life?" I stood up. "That's where you're wrong," I said, and he clenched his jaw. 

"Tell me, were you the one who planned my scandal?" I asked, and he punched me. "Not going to answer? Cause if you won't, then it must be true." I say, lying down on the cold ground. 

"You don't know anything." He says as he grabs my collar again. 

"Then tell me about it, dear cousin; we used to share each other's problems, right?" I grinned. 

One thing got me surprised. The fact that Chanyeol was shaking. His eyes scream fear. 

"Whose fault was it?"

Chanyeol let me go and started to pace back and forth, thinking whether to talk or just beat me. "Tell me right now, Park Chanyeol, or I'll beat you." I threatened, which made him chuckle.

"You haven't changed at all, Chaeyoung." He says softly. 

"Tell me who did it. Looking at you right now tells me it wasn't you." I state. Seeing through him how he was shaking with his mind messed up. "Chanye-"

"It was me," He sighs, looking at me. He was afraid. What was he afraid of? 

"Tell me honestly-"

"It was me, okay!" He yells, breathing deeply. 

R U B Y   J A N E 

"I'm getting worried about her," Lisa says as she paces back and forth. 

"If it bothers you that much, then why don't we go after her?" I suggest, and they both look at me.

"Your willing to go after her?" Jisoo asked, and I couldn't help but get off guard by her question. 

"Well yeah, she's my friend," I replied, and Lisa grabbed her phone, asking someone to buy ask tickets. But luckily, Jisoo called in for a private jet.

"We're going after her," 


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