Chapter 18

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I groaned in pain as I started to wake up. Not only was I experiencing a headache, but Chanyeol's punches were also no joke. I hiss in pain when I accidentally hit my hand with a bruise on my chin. I tiredly sat up and tried to call what had happened last night. I then widened my eyes when I remembered Jennie fetching me at the bar. I don't remember much, but I do remember kissing her, and I don't know if I should be proud or stupid.

I ruffled my hair in frustration, "Aish! Why did I have to be so stupid?" I muttered and scolded myself for forcing on her like that. I turned to my side and saw the other side of the bed wrinkled, which meant she had slept beside me last night. I frown upon realizing that she must have left. Her scent seems to be fading.

Great job, Chaeyoung. You scared her.

I went downstairs and grabbed myself a cup of coffee. While waiting, I noticed a note placed on the table. I grabbed the letter and knew right away that it was from Jennie.

"I'm leaving. Please don't find me."

I crumbled the paper and groaned. "Just great!" I yelled and irritatedly sat on the chair. What other stupid things did I do last night? I immediately ran upstairs and saw the doors where the sticky notes were left open.

She went inside.

I checked my room and stared at it for a while. The first thing she'd see could have been our wedding photo above the headboard and knowing Jennie. She must've been surprised and confused right now. I'm afraid it scared her. She must be thinking about how I lied to her again. The photo album was out of the drawer, she saw that too, and I couldn't help but sigh and sit on the floor.

Did she somehow remember everything?

Even if she did remember, what got me worried was why did she leave? My phone suddenly rang from the bedside cabinet, and I quickly answered the call. I swallowed a lump in my throat when it was Lisa.


"Where the fuck are you!?" I distance my phone from my ear to avoid getting deaf from Lisa's loud voice.


"What happened last night?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Jennie just booked a flight to New York!" I widen my eyes. She is leaving.


"You've got some explaining to do, Park!"

"I didn't remember much. I knew she fetched me from a bar and drove me back home. Listen, I'll call you later." With that, I hung up and raced to the car to go after Jennie at the airport.

She couldn't leave me, not when she remembered everything. I arrived then and searched for her left and right. Soon enough, I found her in the waiting area. As I walked towards her, I noticed that she looked tired, like she had no proper sleep. She was holding onto her passport and wallet along with her luggage.

As soon as she noticed me. Her face lights up in surprise, replaced by an annoyed expression. Before she could walk away, I grabbed her wrist.

"What are you doing here!?" She asks bitterly as she slaps my arm away from her grip and backs away slowly.

"You are not leaving me," I said too seriously and did not expect what would happen next.


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