Chapter 2

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   Someone suddenly knocked on the door making Levi widened his eyes with curiosity over who it was."Levi, it’s me Petra can I come in"? asked Petra, through the door. Levi then walked  towards the door unlocked it and walked back to lay on his bed. "I'm sorry about your position, Captain". Silence fell over them. “Levi?” asked Petra. Levi ignores. "I'm going out now, if you have something to say to me… Come over to my room, Bye" Said Petra as she walked out of the room.

   "You can come out now" said Levi, over to the bathroom door that opened right after he said that.  And out from the bathroom door came Eren Yeager himself, who,  without a single second of silence said: "Cap, if you love her you should tell her". "What? I'm not in love with Petra, Understand? Yeager?" replied Levi, a mixture of confusion and blankness on his face. "You can't deceive me, Cap" said Eren, a matter-of-factly. "And what do you know about love, Yeager?” retorted Levi, in a tone which made him seem as if he hadn’t a care for the world.

   "To be honest Captain, I-" Eren was cut off by Levi when he said: "Just call me Levi, only call me captain when I get my position back". "You want your position back that badly?” asked Eren, raising an eyebrow. Levi then sits up and looks down at the floor and said "No, to be honest you're right, I do love her. Maybe that's why I didn't want her to come with me to the expedition in the first place". "I understand how you feel, Levi. But you haven-" Eren was cut off by Levi again when he asked: “You do?”. "Ya, that's why I never wanted Mikasa to help me with anything in the first place" said Eren. “You love her?” asked Levi, raising an eyebrow."Of course I do, she's never a sister to me. Not even once may I act like I hate her, in fact I don't, I just don't want her to get hurt because of me. If that ever happened, I would damn myself to hell" said Eren, a slight blush on his face.

   "I know how you feel" said Levi.

"Go tell her tonight about how you feel"

"I don't know how"?

"Just say anything that you want to put as a confession"

Levi then looked over to Eren and said,"Thank you.......for everything".

"You brought me in as a member of this team i would always want everyone to be happy,anyway i'm going now good luck Levi",Said Eren as he walks out.

Levi then closed his eyes and pictured Petra smiles which made him tell himself in his own mind and heart,"You can do this Levi,She was what you wanted so there's no reason to back down".

Where:Erwin's office.

"Did you tell him"?

'Yes sir'.

"Good now we all wait".

Over to the right who was leaning on the window with her arm crossed  who was Hanji saying,"What's this for anyway i mean we know they're in love with each other but you didn't have to demote Levi and promote Petra".

"Wait,Petra and Levi are in love with each other"?,Asked a confused Gunther who was sitting on the chair which was placed next to the door.

"Yes Gunther,they are",Answered Erd who was standing next to Eren who was sitting next to him infront of Erwin's desk.

"You think she'll say yes"?,Asked Oluo also both arm crossed and was standing in the opposite side of where Hanji was standing.

"I hope so it all comes down to Levi now",Said Erwin.

"Erwin i think we should have an-",Explain Hanji as she was then cut off by Erwin who then continued,"Expedition i know,Eren Get your squad ready i'm not picking so you're gonna be the one incharge so work together with Petra".

Eren was then confused and asked,"Why me,i mean Mikasa and do it Gunther can do it so why me".

"It's for Levi,do you get what i mean",asked Erwin afterwards.

"Ok,i got it sir",Answered Eren in the end.

'Dismiss',commanded Erwin and everyone went out.

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