First Day of School

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Hello writer's block my old friend. I've come to talk with you again.

Just so you know, I know very little when it comes to Jerome Hortwitz Elementary. So I'm just making it like the school I go to in order to save time. My school serves breakfast and stays at 8:00. I am truely blessed.
N/N means nickname (most preferably a shortened version of your name).

Y/N's P.O.V.

The day was Monday, and the first day of school for me. I woke up at 6:30 that day and got ready to walk to school. I packed my lunch box, brushed my hair, and brushed my teeth. When it became 7:00, I put on my jacket, got my lunch box, and began to walk to school, for it conveniently only 2 blocks down the road.

I get to school at 7:12, and decided to go to the cafeteria to wait for breakfast.

I see the bus pull up at about 7:20 and I went to get breakfast, for it has started.

I got back to my seat where I put my backpack and I see Melvin sitting next to my seat. He has a bag with his breakfast and he starts eating the cereal. I sit down next to him and I hear a loud door crashing into a wall. I look over to it and see George and Harold. It looked like they were selling comics. I had a few dollars on me in case of this type of a senario, so I walked over after finishing breakfast, which was just a breakfast bar, an apple, and some milk

I walked there and saw them, smiled, and greeted them with a friendly, "Hello George and Harold." They smiled back and George said, "Hey N/N! What up? Wanna buy our newest comic?" Harold pipped in, "It's only a quarter each!" I said, "Sure!" and handed them my pocket quarter that I kept in that small pocket that was meant to carry pocket watches. I got the comic and it was called, The Dreadly Drebacles of DJ Drowsy Drawers. I began reading it as I walked back to where my backpack was and I loved it! It was funny and it had good story telling, but it could use a little bit of work on having neater drawings. I got my backpack and saw Melvin lookin' awfully sad. I tried to ask him what was wrong, but then a bell rang so we had to go to class. It's a shame we have different homerooms. I thought to myself.

Sorry this was so short, I am not great at keeping things going, or finishing anything I start.

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