Scene 15 - Thanks to the Time Lords

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The sun gleams down onto the planet, shining through the clouds as we zoom down towards the tunnel. The sand beasts either dead or scattered away, miles away. The surviving humans have left the tunnel once again, taking a breath of fresh air as the Doctor and Susan make their way back to them, together. They are watched in the distance by the entrance, awkwardly.


Look at this planet. Hmm. Not that long ago it was a happy place. The dawn of a new civilization for the human race. Somewhere to start again. Somewhere where we could live in peace. Somewhere we would want to be. Now, simply chaos and death. Nearly all of us killed.


Yes. Who thought it would come to this. It wasn't the Time Lords to blame. We only have ourselves to curse. Still, let us learn from our mistakes. Let us grow and build once again. And let us never forget the tragedy we have brought to us.


Blake, what did you say happened to Theo?

Blake begins feeling panicky. He tenses as he begins tripping over his words, his lying words.


Oh, Theo. Erm, well, he couldn't take the strain. And so the creatures killed him.


Fair enough. Poor bloke.


(Under his breath) You sometimes feel that the bad people are the ones who should get it.




Oh, nothing.


You saying that I killed him then? Just because we started this whole thing out to steal the tech from Gallifrey and that I left him behind.


Well it's a possibility. Living in fear for the rest of your life perhaps. Has the evidence been all eaten up by the sand beasts?


Oi. You two! Cut it out! Already enough people have died today!

The Doctor and Susan arrive.


One life lost is one life too many.

Tension settles between the men as they sneer at one another angrily.


Well Doctor? Are they safe?


Indeed they are Laos. No causalities on their end from the Daleks thank goodness. They're on their way this precise minute to collect you up.


And hopefully, we can bring a better source of hope from this planet. The last twenty-five years haven't exactly been perfect.


You don't suppose we could keep some of the technology, for us.


I have strict instructions I'm afraid Blake. They belong in the Panopticon Archives on Gallifrey.


Yes. I see. Well what was the metal thing on the Genesis Ark you put on to teleport the Daleks in?


A device written in our ancient language.


Basically allows all forms of a specific life form to be imprisoned inside.


You could lock us all up then.


And that's why it stays locked in the Archives for good. Until of course thieves break-in.


It is war, after all.


Yes, thanks for reminding us.


Then as the superior beings, you should have been able to trap all Dalek life forms in the Ark?


Well if we had then we would have had the call back home. Perhaps it isn't quite that efficient. And it is a good thing that you stole the things you did.


Grandfather, it's time we returned it I think.


Yes. Well, we'll pay you a visit sometime in the near future. We must dash. Good luck. And no stealing more property from Gallifrey.


Thank you Doctor. Thanks to the Time Lords.


Let's go Susan.

They both depart, as the others still wait by the entrance.


I hope the ship will be able to see us from here when they come to collect us.


Guess we'll wait here then. If we hadn't of done that stupid thing of stealing...


Laos. Don't bother about it. What's been done has been done.

In the meantime, Blake flashbacks to him beating up Theo. Him kicking him and shooting him, as his heartbeat increases, as his tension builds up, feeling the past. And something he is going to have to live with or regret, for the rest of his life...

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