when he's jealous ( part one )

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a/n: this got a little too long, so i'll be splitting it up into parts! here is Shigaraki, Dabi, Overhaul, Chrono, and Twice's parts!


You were sitting in Shigaraki's lap watching television with him when it happened.

When Dabi happened.

With a cocky grin on his face, the scarred male had strode in. He looked to the two of you, eyebrow cocked up in surprise. His electric blue eyes seemed to linger on you for a longer period of time, however.

"Doll, why're you hanging out with Mophead? You know that I could treat you so much better..." his voice deepened as he rasped out the end, and Shigaraki tensed underneath you.

Then, all of a sudden in a flash, the League leader had wrapped his arms around your waist tightly.

"Leave us alone..." he rasped out dangerously, and you could feel his warm breath hitting the back of your neck.

Dabi simply shrugged.

"Damn. Chill out, man. I was just... playin'. Unless if... Y/N'd like to date me instead of your crusty ass."

With a flirty wink, the male then turned and left. Shigaraki was silent.

"Shig?" You let out softly, turning your head to look at him.

He then suddenly kissed you deeply on the lips, chapped ones rubbing against yours as he growled,

"You're mine. Don't ever let him talk to you like that again, baby..."


"Damn, can't believe the boss is making us do stuff like this for him," your boyfriend, Dabi complained loudly as he walked along.

The two of you had been assigned to a mission — a mission to spy on the UA students that had been heard to be shopping here this evening from Giran; the League's ultimate info giver.

"Where did he say that they'd stop again?" You asked, a little eager to see the small students that were evidently going to be the next pros — you wanted to see how puny they were.

Dabi shrugged.

"Beats me, babe. Say, why don't we head off somewhere to han—"

Before your boyfriend could finish his sentence, someone bumped into you. It was some random guy who was extremely good-looking, with the fairest skin and clear green eyes.

"Ah, I'm sorry," he let out softly as he looked to you, and you smiled hesitantly, replying with a,

"It's alright. I probably should've been a little more careful."

The green-eyed male smiled widely, about to open his mouth to say something else before Dabi suddenly grabbed you by the wrist, dragging you away.

"Wh—" you let out, but Dabi cut you off by kissing you on the lips, nibbling on your bottom lip roughly.

"Don't talk to that damn guy," he whispered when he broke away, blue eyes gleaming dangerously with murderous intent in them.

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