when he's jealous ( part three )

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Jealousy didn't come easily for Mustard, but when he saw Muscular talking to you in that sickly way of his, his control snapped.

"What're you doing, speaking to Y/N like that?!" Mustard snapped as he pushed at Muscular, whose face immediately morphed into a frown.

"What're you doin', pipsqueak? Think you can take me on, you little freak?"

You were desperately trying to get the two of them to stop, but it was no use. A few things happened in a flash, and suddenly your boyfriend was on the ground, beaten. Muscular sneered at the boy, before looking at you.

"Tell your fuckin' boyfriend to pick fights he can actually win..."

Though he meant well, Mustard utterly lost that fight. But that didn't mean you didn't patch him up and comfort him later, since his pride was a little damaged.


Compress loved you greatly. You were his little flower, his pretty little jewel. Of course, that meant he was a little possessive over you.

Toga always tended to get a little too touchy with you, calling you her 'best friend' and other things of similar nature. Most of the time, Compress didn't really care, but there was one day that he just... snapped.

Just as Toga was about to nuzzle her face into your chest, arms wrapped around your waist, Compress suddenly pulled you away, your body pressing flush against his lithe body instead.

Fixing Toga with a hard stare, the magician cleared his throat.

"Don't do that, Toga, or I'll have to test one of my magic tricks out on you, and I assure you, it won't be pleasant."

Toga's gaze seemed to darken.


"Shut up!" That was a phrase the small puppet man always hurled at you, but not maliciously. In reality, Mimic loved hearing your voice, but he wasn't sure how to express it, so he could only resort to yelling at you to express his... frustration?

The male was always somewhat of a tsundere, always getting flustered whenever you asked him if he cared a lot about you deep down. So when he got jealous, his temper always tended to...

"Get your filthy bird hands off Y/N, you little fuck!" Mimic screeched at Setsuno when you were offering him a hug after one of his many panic attacks, and the blonde flinched.

You, on the other hand, angered immensely, sent Mimic a harsh, dark look that made him shut up almost instantly.

Yeah, you could keep him in control.


Spinner was often judged for the way he looked, for something he couldn't control. People called him things like a freak, or lizard boy.

It always hurt to be called those things. Spinner almost always took them to heart, so there was no doubt that he had extremely low self-esteem.

He always feared that you would leave him for someone else, someone better than him... So with that said, whenever Spinner got jealous, he wouldn't be direct about it, he'd just lock himself up in his room, leaving you to wonder what had happened.


Love was difficult for someone like Stain. Balancing vigilante duties and dates was definitely a hassle, but it didn't mean that your boyfriend completely turned a blind eye on your whereabouts every day.

He would hang out around the spots you frequented, making sure to keep you safe and sound. The streets were dangerous, after all.

One day, Stain was watching over you during one of his breaks when he noticed that someone was approaching you. He frowned slightly when the two of you hugged, you moving to kiss the person on the cheek.

Red hot jealousy seemed to burn alive in his veins as Stain watched, and with a scowl, he turned away.

He would confront you later about it.

When you hiked to your meeting spot with Stain, you were surprised to see him already there, eyes narrowed. He was usually a few minutes late, having to deal with various duties before coming.

...you could sense that there was something wrong.

"...Chizome?" You said, using his real name, and his gaze seemed to soften slightly as he looked at you.

"Y/N..." he said, sighing as he sat on a rock, resting his head against his palm. You hesitantly moved to his side, touching his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" You asked, and he grit his teeth.

"I saw you with someone else... Are you... Are you going to replace me?" He asked quietly, his voice barely able to be heard.

Your eyes widened.

"I— Of course not! That was my dad, Chizome. I hadn't seen him for such a long time that I just..." your voice trailed off, and Stain looked to you.

"I'm... I'm sorry for assuming things," he said, eyes wide, and you gave him a teary smile.

"It's... It's fine."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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