when he's jealous ( part two )

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Rappa always tended to be a little overprotective when it came to you: whisking you away whenever his rival 'Overhole' approached you.

It definitely wasn't to the point of a toxic relationship, no, the fighter just really didn't like you hanging around Overhole. He always claimed that Overhole would end up making you 'unfun' to be around; whatever that meant.

But there was one day where he wasn't available to 'protect' you from Overhole, as he was busy with training.

"Hello, Overhaul. How are you today?" You said politely when the two of you passed each other in the long, winding hallways of the base, and the Yakuza leader inclined his head to you.

"Hello, L/N. I'm doing fine, thank you. How about you?"

"Ah, I'm doing—"

Suddenly, there was a crash from down the hall, and you turned, only to be met with the sight of your boyfriend, Rappa, barreling towards you at a heart-stopping speed.

"Get away from them, Overhole—"

A couple of things happened in a flash, and you then suddenly found yourself thrown over Rappa's shoulder; the male racing away from Overhaul. When the two of you reached an empty hallway, he shifted you so that you were resting comfortably in his arms, your legs moved to wrap around his waist.

"Overhole's no fun, Y/N! If ya hang with him, he'll make ya boring and I don't want that! I like ya the way ya are, so avoid him, okay?"

"Rappa, I—"

Rappa's head then nuzzled into the crook of your neck, and with a soft sigh, you gave in. You really couldn't resist the way he was, all cuddly and soft despite his appearance and tendency to pick fights.




Setsuno had always been a bit insecure after what had happened with his ex, so when he found you engaged in a long, interesting conversation with Nemoto about quirks, he felt horrible.

As he stood outside of the door, listening in to your voice that seemed so... interested in what Nemoto had to say, Setsuno wondered if he had been replaced.

Of course, he could see why. Nemoto was just... so much better than him, with those dreamy purple eyes and handsome face. God, perhaps you preferred Nemoto over him. It was bound to happen anyway, with the way he wa—

Letting out a whimper, Setsuno then looked down, eyes filling with tears. His vision blurred, and he tried to calm himself by taking a deep breath.

So... weak. This is why you left him. This is why he would forever b—


He flinched at the sound of your voice, and his head turned to look at you. You had wandered over to the door, and now you were looking at him with a concerned look on your face.

"Baby, why are you crying?" You asked softly, and he just let out a sob, collapsing into your arms.

"I - I know I'm n - not g - good enough for you, s - so you can le - leave for Nemoto..." he wailed into your chest, while you just frowned, confused.

"...Touya, who said I was leaving for him? I love you, not Nemoto."

Setsuno's blue eyes then peered up tearily at you.

"R - Really?"

You smiled down at him, pressing a soft kiss on his forehead.

"Of course."


It was no secret to anyone in the Shie Hassaikai that Nemoto and Chronostasis had a little... feud between the two of them.

Both were close to Overhaul, so they often bickered over who was closer to the young Yakuza leader.

However, there was something else that Nemoto was even more passionate about. Someone that surpassed even his young master.


Nemoto was quite fond of you, and with that knowledge, Chronostasis often flirted with you to piss the blonde off.

"Mm, you're looking cute tonight, kitten..." Chrono said to you loudly one day, and instantly, it attracted the attention of Nemoto, who began reaching into his coat pocket.

"Kurono, I will not hesitate to shoot you with my glock—"

"Woah, woah, calm dow—"

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down—"

You ended up having to calm Nemoto down with a kiss, which he took gratefully. However, as the two of you walked away, you could tell that your boyfriend was sending Chronostasis a death glare over his shoulder.


Toga's yandere tendencies always tended to get to the... extremes at times. Whether it was just someone looking at you on the street, or your friends giving you a nice, friendly hug, he always got possessive.

"Y/N... Who was that person you were talking to..?" Toga had asked you one day after you had met up with a friend. The two of you had gotten a little touchy-feely with each other, and you cursed mentally.

Toga must've seen it all.

"They were just a friend, Himiko," you said softly, looking away from Toga, who just took out his knife.

He tested his finger on the point, before he gave you a wild grin that sent shivers down your spine.

"You're mine, Y/N. Only mine."

You swallowed nervously, knowing what you would end up seeing on the news tomorrow.

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