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(y/n)'s p.o.v

I sat in my bedroom looking down at the five tickets laying there, thinking what Kukui said yesterday.

"Use those four tickets wisely for who you want to invite to Galar with you!"

"Wisely.." I whispered to myself, I felt something nudge my elbow. I looked down to see Primarina looking at me with concern in her eyes, "It's nothin' girl, just the thinking." I patted her on the head.

I heard my mom call me from the kitchen, must be something important. I returned Primarina back into her pokeball and made my way into the kitchen. "Yes?" I asked, brushing my hair back. Mom looked back me and smiled, "It's for you." She handed me the phone.

I put the phone against my ear, "Hello?"

"(y/n)!" I heard Hau's voice from the other side, why couldn't he call me on my phone. "Yes? You need something?" I grabbed my bag and hat, getting ready to head out. "I'm here at the Malasada Shop in Hau'oil City with Sun, Lillie and Gladion! I was wondering you wanted to hang out?" Is this his way of having a celebration for me? It's nothing too big so I guess it's fine.

"Yeah, I'll be there it a bit." 

"Great! See ya' later (y/n)!"

I ended the call and handed the phone to my mom, "I'm guessing you're heading to Hau'oil City, am I correct?" Mom asked, setting the phone down on the table. I nodded in reply, "Yep! Hau and the others wanted to hang out, that's all."

"You mean as in Sun, Lillie and Gladion? Aww, that's so adorable to see all you together just like when you were doing your Island Challenge!" Mom teased, I felt my cheeks get warm in embarrassment, "Mommm!" I whined, as she chuckled.

"I'm just teasing! Now you go on and have some fun!" My mom said. I said goodbye to my mom and headed towards Hau'oil City.



The door opened to reveal the (h/c)nette champion entering the Malasada Shop. "Greetings, (y/n)! Is there anything you want?" The cashier offered the girl a booth to order, but she politely declined. "Um, I'm meeting some old friends here that's all. Thank you for the offer!" (y/n) said, as the cashier nodded.

"(y/n), over here!" a familiar voice called the girl's name. (y/n) walked over to the booth that here friends sat, Lillie gave (y/n) a shy smile, "Nice seeing you again, (y/n)." she said, as the (h/c)nette sat next to her.

"Same goes to you!" (y/n) smiled, glad seeing her friends again. Everyone was pretty much the same even after four years of being apart. Sun was still silent as ever, but he spoke once in awhile, Gladion complained about him being so quiet all the time.

After an hour of catching up with each other, it was about that time for them guys to leave. The five young trainers walked out the shop together full after a good meal. "I hope we can do this again someday. It'll probably be a long time."Lillie said with a sad smile.

"Don't look so sadden! (y/n), don't you have something to show us?" Hau asked, putting his hands behind his head, he wasn't letting her run off with this tickets that's for sure. He'll keep nagging her, even if it's the death of her. (y/n) shyly nodded, taking the four remaining tickets in her hands. 

"They're tickets.. so?" Gladion seemed to care less about the tickets, he was ready to head back home, Sun elbowed the platinum blonde to shut up. 

"These are tickets to go to Galar with me. I was wondering if you guys wanted to come along!" (y/n) said, showing the tickets to them. They looked at her in disbelief, well, expect for Hau, he jumped up and down in excitement, "Really, (y/n)? You're the best!" In a blink of an eye, she was tackled by a group hug.

"You really didn't have to do this!" Lillie said, wiping her tears off her face. (y/n) shook her head, "We haven't gotten to be with each since we were all eleven, I think we deserve the proper time to spend time with each other." she retorts, handing the tickets to them. 

"So, when we will be leaving?" surprisingly, Sun asked in excitement, (y/n) hasn't seen him that happy in years, she chuckled softy. "We're leaving tomorrow morning, I assume." 

A gasp from Lillie turned everyone's attention to her, "We need to get packed for tomorrow!" Lillie exclaimed, grabbing Gladion's wrist and dragging him behind. 


"We have to get ready," Lillie stopped and turned around and waved, "I'll see you guys tomorrow!" Before dragging her brother to the deck.

Hau laughed at the scene they just saw, "That was entertaining!" He said, before turning to (y/n) and Sun, "I'll see you two tomorrow!" With that said he was gone, leaving (y/n) and Sun alone in awkward silence.

"So.." (y/n) attempted to start a conversation with him, but in reply was silence. With a mental sigh, (y/n) was ready to leave, "Um, well it's getting dark, I'll be heading home. Bye, Sun!" (y/n) turned her heel and walked off, she stopped at her the male call her out.

Sun walked up to (y/n), "I'll walk you home." he said in a monotone voice, (y/n) nodded and started to walk with Sun beside her.

The walk to home was quiet, (y/n) tried to spark up a conversation with him but they were both standing in front of her house. (y/n) walked up to the door a turned the knob, before she stepped in she turned to Sun, "Thanks for walking me home, Sun! See you tomorrow." Sun nodded with a small smile on his face and ran off.

"(y/n), sweetie is that you?" her mom called, as (y/n) closed the door behind her. "Yeah!" (y/n) replied, she heard her mom walk down the stairs. Her mom greeted her with a warm smile, "How was it?" she asked, with Mewoth behind her feet. 

"It was alright, we're leaving to Galar tomorrow morning." (y/n) said, putting her bag and hat on the coat rack on the side of the door. Her mother nodded in reply, "Yes, Kukui told me about the whole Galar event." her mom replied, as her daughter looked at her worriedly, "Mom, if you wanted—"

"No, no! I'll be fine, just tell them I said hi for me. Okay?" she retorts, (y/n) nodded and yawned, "Now, you should get some rest! You have a big day tomorrow!" she said, pushing her daughter up the stairs before she was shoved into her room, "G'night mom.." (y/n) sheepishly smiled, as her mom closed the door behind her.



"(y/n)!!! Get up!" A boisterous called for the sleeping champion. (y/n) groaned, "Five more minutes.." she replied, not wanting to get up from the comfy bed. "(y/n, we're going to be late!" the voice complained, still banging on the door. (y/n) opened her eyes and laid up from her bed, "Late for what?" (y/n) said, she had clearly forgotten what was going on.

"Late for the plane to Galar!"

'Oh, shit.' (y/n) quickly jumped out of bed and grabbed clothes out of her dresser and quickly changed out of her pajamas. Her Primarina woke up from her sleep and watched her trainer in confusion.

"Pri?" (y/n) looked at Primarina, and grabbed her pokeball. "We're late." (y/n) explained to her partner, Primarina nodded and nudge the pokeball with her noise returning. (y/n) put the pokeball on her belt and grabbed her suitcase. (y/n) looked at the mess she had left behind and sighed, "Looks like Mom has to clean the mess I left.." she whispered to herself before opening her door and leaving.

"Finally!" Hau exclaimed, it was as if she was taking five hours to get ready. "Sorry, for the long wait. I overslept.." (y/n) said with an sheepish grin while nervously scratching the back her neck. Hau shook his head, "Nah, it alright! But we need to hurry, Lillie, Gladion and Sun are waiting outside for us!" grabbing her wrist and dragging her out the door. "Bye, Mom!" (y/n) waved her mom goodbye.

Her mom waved with a warm smile, "Bye! Have fun, and stay safe!"

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