You're Mine

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"You're Mine Betty! No one is allowed to talk to you, let alone touch you! Deceive me Betty and I won't hesitate to kill you and him!-Jughead Jones.

Betty POV:

As I was following Veronica to see what had happened I felt someone pull me by my wrist and lead me into a small office and when I finally seen who it was I was shocked. He closed the door and began walking towards me.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I growled at him angrily.

"YOU! YOU"RE MY PROBLEM!" He yells back at me making me flinch in fear and before I knew it, I felt his lips crash into mine. My body was hot and my heart was leaping I didn't disappoint him instead I went along with the kiss. Why not take him down this way? why not make him believe that I'm falling for him then once he's in my grasp and have enough evidence I will take him down just like he did Jason. 

We continued our make out until I was finally able to pull away from him, resting my forehead on his as we try to steady our breathes. His eyes gazing into mine. One thing that I can't deny is how handsome and charming Jughead Jones is. His piercing blue eyes that can make any woman melt, his sharp and defined jawline and that beautiful smirk that he has is enough to drive any woman crazy but his heart is cold as ice. He thinks he's untouchable but I will get my revenge on him. 

"What are you thinking about Juliet?" I hear Jughead ask snapping me out of my daze, I know I have to be seductive and charming so that way he can lower his guard around me and begin telling me things about his buisness after all that's why I'm here.

I begin to bite my lip and begin to rub my hands up and down his chest seductively then went close to his ear and whispered "Let me be your distraction tonight baby" I said to him. He pulled away and smirked then he leaned into kiss me but I step aside making him groan then turning around to face me.

"Don't tease me Juliet" He says as he puts his hands inside his pockets. I then giggle making him close his eyes and grunt at the little noise that came out of my mouth giving me an idea, I begin taking off my jacket and as I was about to take my top off someone barged in making Jughead angry.

"WHAT THE FUCK SWEET PEA!" Jughead yells out. 

I quickly grab my jacket and put it on and try to walk out but before I could Jughead grabs my arm and making me turn around to face him "Don't leave without me Juliet" He says then gives me a peck on the kiss. I then walk out as he closes the door. I walk off waiting for about 2 mins and begin to eavesdrop. I hear them talking about 2 girls but they don't go into detail and as I realize that they were about to leave the office I run towards the direction where Veronica ran off too and decided to look for her and check how she is doing.

Jughead POV:

"This better be fucking good Sweet Pea!" I growl at him clearly pissed for interrupting my moment with a certain blonde goddess. 

"Cheryl is here and she isn't happy!" He tells me nervously. 

"Where is she?" I then ask him 

"Office upstairs, we have her tied up but she knows about Toni" Sweet Pea then says.

I chuckle at his words making him look at me confused and clearly not amused at my reaction about what he just told me. "There's no fucking way she knows about Toni, at least she doesn't have any evidence just suspicions" I then say to him. We walk out of the room and begin making our way to the main office that is located upstairs. I honestly hope this shit is settled soon because I don't plan on sleeping alone tonight.

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