Her Romeo

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Betty POV:

I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache and not in my apartment making me think what the hell happened last night. I quickly got out of the bed realizing that I was completely naked and that made me nervous.

I began looking for my clothes around the room but I couldn't seem to find them and before I could even continue to look for something to wear I see the door fly open to reveal none other than Jughead Jones just in boxers and with breakfast in his hands.

"Morning Juliet" he says with a grin on his face as he walks into the bedroom then closing the door with his leg.

"Morning" I reply bluntly "Jughead where are my clothes?" I ask him

"Oh they were ruined so I had my good friend Midge go out and buy you some" he replies as he sits down and begins to eat.

"Why do you ask Juliet?" He says as he stuffs his mouth with eggs

" my name is Betty and because I kind of have to get home" I say as I turn around giving my back to him and let out a sigh of frustration. I didn't notice nor did I hear him get up and walk towards me until I was pushed against the wall. He turned me around so I could face him making me nervous

"I want and I know you want me, after last night I know for a damn fact that I'm the one for you" he says but before he could continue, the door flies open and a girl that I've never seen before walks in with a bag.

"Hey baby" she says and gives Jughead a kiss, a kiss he happily returns then walks out. I scoff and push him off of me and grab the bag out of his hands and begin to get dressed.

"What the hell are you doing!?" He growls at me.

"What does it look like idiot? I'm changing so I could get the fuck out of here" I snap at him

"Why!? I dont want you to go" he says

"You cant be fucking serious, you just made out with a girl right in front of me! You disgust me!" I yell out to him as I continue to put in the clothes

"You seem to talk a lot of shit but I didnt hear you complaining last night when I was fucking you hard while you moaned my name and begged for me to go faster" he says. He is so fuckimg smug. I wish I could remember what the hell happened last night. I went up to him and slapped him and began going towards the door.

"You can't escape me so easily Juliet and besides Midge is my casual fuck something you're just going to have get use too" he says making me even more angry I just scoff and leave.

Why is he all of a sudden over me!? I tried to call an uber but I noticed I didnt have my phone so I just began walking when I seen a car approaching me.

I looked over and noticed it was Archie.

"Betty!?" I hear him yell out and stops the car and gets out. For some reason I feel relieved to see someone who I know from before and ran to him and pulled him in for a hug.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him

"Well Charles tried calling you but when you didn't answer he became nervous so he sent me to try to look for you" he replied not letting me go.

"I'm not complaining Betty but what made you want to hug me?" Archie says with a chuckle. Me and Archie were never close in fact the only reason why we even spoke was because of Jason but lately I have felt so lost and seeing Archie gave me a familiar feeling of home.

"Its just this case Arch, it's really getting to me" I say truthfully. He pulls me out of the hug and tilts my head up so I could look at him in the eyes. He smiles and gives me a kiss on the lips, a kiss that I return for some weird reason, not knowing that we were in plain sight of Jughead Jone's window.

Jughead Pov:
"SWEET PEA!" I yell out as I'm looking at my Juliet hugging and kissing some guy right in front of my house, this bitch is mine and no one and I mean no one is taking her away from me.

"You called me?" Sweet Pea asks as he's walking into my room.

"Yeah. I want you to follow Betty and let me know when she's home alone" I say to Sweet Pea as I continue looking out the window, watching Betty lip locking with a ginger haired man. 

"Oh Juliet you're mine and i'm yours. I'm your Romeo and no one and I mean no one will take you away from me.

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