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Betty POV:

"Well hello there Captain Lodge" I greet her as she watches me in shock, her eyes widen and her tears continue to run down her cheeks. She tries to speak but can't since her mouth is shut tight.  I look over at Jughead who is looking at me with narrow eyes. 

"I knew it" He says to me. I smile as I look down at my soon to be victim then look back up at him. 

"I knew that it worked" He says to me "At first I thought I'd fucked up and really had your memories erased but it worked, I got you back" He tells me, walking over to me. I run my tongue over my lips as I walk backwards and away from him making him stop as I walk towards a table with several knifes quickly grabbing one. 

"You have a lot of explaining to do my dear Romeo" I tell him as I begin running my fingers over the sharp blade. I look over at the hostage and see that she's absolutely stunned to see me here standing, alive and well. 

Jughead doesn't say a word instead he simply looks at me with loving eyes and smirks at me "Ask away Juliet" He says to me making me smile even wider. 

"Why'd you leave me all those years ago?" I ask him instantly making him drop the smirk off his face and for some reason that makes me very happy. I want to know why the hell he abandoned me and thought we'd be on great terms after everything I know now. 

"I had no other choice Betts" He replies

I let out a breath and sigh in disappointment, looking down at Captain Lodge, I pull up the knife and drag it over her chest deep enough for it to cut her flesh, making her wince in pain and begins to sob. God, I missed that. 

"That's not the answer you wanted" He tells me

"No, no it's not" I tell him "You see because of you I lost my memory, I lost my life, My child" I continue as I resume my torture on the raven haired woman who continues to sob in pain. 

"You have slept with other woman and forgot all about me and you think that pulling this little stunt will have me begging at your knees?" I ask him through a laugh "Well guess again" I straddle Captain Lodges laps and look into her eyes as I play with the knife in front of her, a wide smile plastered on my face, admitting that I may be enjoying this a little too much. 

"What do you think? Should I forgive him?" I ask her almost trying to be serious. 

"you're totally right, I agree with you. I think I shouldn't" I tell her as if she's actually playing along in my sick game. 

"Betty, please let me explain. Everything that I did, I did it for us. I made sure we'd reunite again"I hear Jughead say to me 

I laugh humorlessly and quickly stand up and look over at him "You left me there with those people. You escaped and left me there to fend for myself." I yell out to him. "They took my life away, they ripped my child away from my arms while you were in New York fucking your way through every girl, happy" I say to him.

"No Baby that's not what happened. I may have made my mistakes but I was never happy while I was away from you and our child. Not ever" He tells me, I narrow my eyes at him and decide not to believe him. 

In pure anger I plunge the knife into Captain Lodge's chest and smile wide feeling the pressure getting lifted from my chest. "Why the hell did you do that!? We needed her to get more information" Jughead yells out to me.

"We don't need her, I regained my memories. So all I need is myself to be able to find my baby boy" I tell him walking past him, he grabs my arm and pulls me back towards him "Remember baby we're married. Legally" He tells me as if I could ever forget marrying him behind my so-called parents back all those years ago. 

I pull my arm away from him and glare at him "Unfortunately that's true but let's be real here, you haven't been a husband to me at all" I tell him as someone else walks into the room. I look over and smile wide, feeling the rage bubble inside of me . 

"Well hello there Jason" I say

"Betty" He replies. 

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