New Betty

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Charles POV:

"Archie! You said you saw my sister 4 days ago right?" I ask the redhead in a frantic tone. 

"yeah why?" He asks looking over at me suspiciously. I run my hands through my hair not being able to catch my breath and trying not to think of the worst. 

"She hasn't called me. Did she seem alright to you?" I ask him and in that moment I see him tensing up making me even more concerned "Tell me Andrews or so help me god" I tell him. 

"When I first seen her she was walking back from somewhere but she wouldn't tell me from where and she did seem out of it bro" He says "She also said that this case was really getting to her but I thought she was feeling better once I dropped her off. She said she would call you man" He tells me.

"Well she hasn't and now I'm worried" I tell him starting to walk off but he stops me "I did tell her we would keep in touch weekly so it wouldn't blow her cover" he tells me 

"That shit doesn't matter, me and her always call each other every other day to make sure we're ok and I have yet to speak to her Archie" I say to him I start walking once again towards my office when I'm immediately stopped by Captain Lodge. 

"Agent Smith" She says to me looking down not able to look at me in the eye. She struggles to say another word making me anxious "Can we speak in private?" She asks "Its about Betty" 

My breath gets heavy and my chest begins to tighten as I begin to worry about what she has to say about my baby sister. She begins walking to her office with me following her noticing everyone giving me sad glares making me furrow my eyebrows. 

We finally get to her office.

"Please sit Charles" She says as she closes the door. I do as I say and walks over to her desk pulling out a document.

"Charles we just got word today and I hate to be the one to break this news to you" She begins .

"No please don't tell me what I think you're about to tell me" I say with tears threatening to spill from my eyes. 

"I'm sorry but Betty is dead" she says. I drop my eyes to the floor trying to catch my breath and wanting to be able to process the words that just came out of her mouth but I can't. How am I supposed to live in a world without my baby sister? Without Betty? 

"How?" I manage to ask with the tears continuously flowing down my cheeks. I see her close her eyes tightly as she opens up the folder and starts to read the print. 

"TELL ME HOW!?" I yell out in desperation. 

"She was burned, badly inside of her apartment." She says not being able to look at me in the eye "I'm really sorry Mr.Smith" She continues but I honestly stopped listening to her words after she said she had been burned. 

"Do you think it was Jughead and his gang?" I ask 

She gulps clearly noticing that she doesn't want to answer but she nods lightly giving me my answer. I clench my jaw and tighten my fist  in anger. I will not stop until my sisters killer is dead! 

Archie POV:

I see Charles rushing out of Captain Lodge's office clearly seeing the tears flowing out of his eyes so I decide to follow him and ask what she had to say to him. 

"Hey man what did she say about Betty?" I ask him as I run up to him. He doesn't turn around instead he breaks down making my heartache "Charles?" I ask hesitantly afraid of his answer

"She's dead Archie" He says through sobs making my heart drop

"What?" I ask 

"Betty, that son of a bitch killed her" He says as he sits down against the wall on the floor. He wipes his tears away and tries to breath. 

I try my best to stay strong but I remember the final moments I spent with her where we promised each other to give ourselves a chance and now she's just gone. I sit beside Charles no longer able to hide my tears since they are now loosely flowing down my face. Another one of my girls is gone. 

"I need your help Andrews" I hear Charles says from beside me "I need your help to take down that son of a bitch. And I don't mean arrest him, no I mean killing him. You in?" He asks as he holds out his hand. I don't think twice I quickly grab his hand and shake it. It's time we kill that son of a bitch for both Jason and Betty. 

Jughead POV:

"My-my husband?" She asks more than says. 

"Yeah baby I'm your husband" I confirm. She gets lost in thought for a bit as she looks around the room making me look at it too. Not to bad for a pretend hospital I think to myself. 

"What happened to me? Why am I here?" She finally asks breaking the small amount of silence that we just shared. 

"I think we should talk about that once we're home" I tell her. 

"Why can't you just tell me now?" She asks while looking up at me with those gorgeous green eyes.

"Are you sure you want to hear this now?" I ask her as if it were true. She stays quiet once again clearly thinking whether she wants to hear it or not but she finally responds "Yes".

"Ok then, we're in the drug business Betty" I tell her bluntly making her drop her mouth wide open. I go and close her mouth giving her a wink "Don't tease me princess you barely woke up" I tell her making her smile lightly and her face turning red. 

"Please keep going" She tells me 

"Right, sorry. We're in the drug business. You were out on a mission with your best friend Cheryl when apparently the FBI raided the mission. You barely made it out alive baby" I tell her with tears running down my cheeks to make it much more believable "Unfortunately though Cheryl didn't make it" I then say remembering the night Betty killed her. I try to hide my smirk as I look over at Betty who is clearly trying her best to keep her composure. 

"I feel horrible. I don't even remember my own best friend enough to mourn her loss" She says to me as a tears escapes her eye but something inside of her snaps and she quickly looks up at me with that familiar darkness that I know lives inside of her "I want the agent who killed her dead" She tells me making me smirk. 

"What is his name Jug?" She asks me. 

"Agent Charles Smith and Agent Archibald Andrews" I respond to her "But don't you worry baby I'll handle them" I tell her.

"No. This is my fight, I'll do the honors" She says without hesitation. " Now give me a kiss since you know I need reminding of how your sweet looking lips taste like" She says to me followed by a wink. 

"As you wish" I reply as I lean over to her pressing my lips to hers. I feel her hands cupping my face deepening the kiss. 

My tongue quickly rushes inside of her mouth making her moan, I push her back on to the bed as I hover over her making the stupid fake machines beep. 

She pulls away and looks up at me 'Oops" is all she says making me laugh. 

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