Part 2 - Chapter 6

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i awoke to sunlight in my eyes. the air smelt f fresh rain, and the brezze was gentle. i looked out the window and saw a pair of birds siting on a street light, chirping away. i rolled over and looked at Q. he was so peaceful. his hair covered his forehead and his long lashes were shut and soft. his face hadnt been shaved in a few day, growing into a stubble. i leaned in, pushed his hair away and kissed his forehead. it was warm and soft like a babys skin. when i moved back his eyes were open. a smirk on his lips. he looked at me, care in his eyes. i stared into his eyes. he into mine. i put my hand through his hair and smile. he was staring in my eyes, me to his. i grabbed his hand and our fingers interlaced. he leaned over and lightly kissed me.  grabbed his shoulders and pulled him towards me. hugging him tight.

"dont ever leave me." i whispered into his chest. he grabbed my wrists and pulled away.
"i wont."
"promise." he grabbed my waist and picked me up. letteng me fall ontop of him. i put my arms under his and hugged him tight. falling once again into slumber.



"oh SHIT!!" Q got out of bed and ran, still in his boxers. grbbed the doorframe and slid into the hall. still sprinting. i walked to the door of our room and watched him. he smashed open the door and ran down the stairs, crickt bat in hand. i walked to the ffront door. by this time we were all standing there watching. oh, i get it. it was his car alarm.

someone in a black jumpsuit and ski mask ran down the street screaming. Q started walking back up the stairs, the cricket bat resting on his shoulders. still in his boxers.

"you ok?"
"yeah. fucking dumb shit forgot cars had alarms."
"haha yeah."

we walked to the lounge and sat down. i reached for the remote and turned on netflix. the middle was on. brick was eating a book. 

"OH MY GOD GUYS!!! I JUST GOT HIRED AT MCDONALDS!!!!" alice said as she burst through the door.
"why arent you happy?"
"because i was the one who needed a job. you always have cash to blow. i actually need money."
"oh. well too bad." she said, skipping away.


"ok so wanna know why i actually wanna work at maccas?"
"ugh. sure."
"ok. theres this really cute guy that works there. his name is ben. and now im working with him. EEEEEE"
"uh, let me see. you have a fucking boyfriend!!"
"chill. im just working with him. its not like we're making out!!"


"hello is this jenny chambers?"
"uhh, no its her boyfriend, Quentin." crap! i put down my book and grabbed my phone off him.
"uhh, yes this is jenny."
"great! this is clare, im the manager at BIG W. are you still interested in a position here?"
"oh my god, uh, yes, i would love a position there."
"great! come by tomorrow at 4."
"yeah sure. bye"

"congratulations babe!" Q picked me up and kissed me, then put me down and hugged me tight.

i made sure i had appropriate clothes to wear tomorrow, i had to make an impression. i made sure i had a suit ready to wear tomorrow, yes a suit. im that un-feminin.

it was already 8:57, so there wasnt really much to do except study or work on an assignment. or watch netflix. 

i got up and walked to the lounge. flopped down on it for the hundreth time this week and turned on the tv. 2 broke girls was on, in the episode oleg was with sofie in her apartment you know whatting.

alice came in and got some ice coffee to drink.

"you studying?"
"yeah, and i have to do art. not fun."
"what do you have to do for fashion ddesign?"
"make a dress, ive already done that so now i have to wait another 3 weeks for another practical."
"wow. hey when do you have shifts at maccas?"
"everyday at 4-6"
"wow, when does ben work?"
"same times but on saturday and sunday to."
"dayum dude has alot of time."
"yeah. well bye i need to get to work on this painting."
"who you doing?"
"myself. the teach said it was fine."
"but wouldnt you want to do carlos? she said someone who means alot to you."
"oh, right. wel whatever ill do carlos then. night."

i continued to watch the tv for a while, but before long i heard alice on the phone. talking about tomorrow at 4. well that escalated quickly. she better make sure they stay just friends. carlos is my friend and so is she. and they belong together.

alice got off the phone and walked back into the kitchen for more coffee. she looked at me for a while. i could feel her gaze boring into my back.

"oh, your still up?"
"uh, did you hear that?"
"oh did i." i said with a smirk.

she looked at me awkwardly for a while before slowly going back to her room. by this time i was now watching new girl and it was 9:57. everyone was in bed except me and alice.  i decided to wait for the episode to finish before going to bed.

when it had finished it was 10:30 and i headed back to my room, when i walked in Quentin was sitting on the bed reading a book. when i walked in he put it down and lay on his back. when i walked past the light switch i flicked it off and turned on the lamp.

i was on my back next to Q and hugged him tight. 

"goodnight." i gave him a goodnight kiss and flicked off the lamp.


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