Part 2 - Chapter 11

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the breeze was course and slow. going in through one wimdow. out through the other. i felt something on my arm, sort of calwing. i cast my vision over myself, i found the problem. there was a small sparrow  on my arm, starring straight at me. i slowly removed my make do blanket and held the bird in my hands. i opened the door and threw it in the air. i then remeber why i was here, and why my face was wet and sticky.

i got back in the car and searched for my phone, shit, i left it at home, i was in such a rush to see carlos i must have left it on the counter. i guess i might as well go hime now, things must have died down by now. i got back in the drivers seat and started the engine. the fuel tank was incredibly low, i hope i can get to th gas station in town soon. i shifted into gear and headed down the hill.

i only just made it to the gas station in the centre of town, i went to get my wallt but i left it at home to, shit. i lokcked the car and walked across the road to my parents house. and i knocked on the door.

"mum!, Dad!"
"oh, hey jen." my mother opened the door to greet me.
"what are you doing here? everything ok?"
"yeah, i was just visiting, hey can i borrow some money for gas? i left my wallet at home."
"yeah sure! so hows it going? you know with Quentin and alice and all." i started tearing up.
"its, uh, yeah, all fine."
"ok.. well here you go. see you soon!" she handed me some money and gave me a hug.
"byee cya soon." i walked back across the road and filled up the tank.

i started driving back to the coast. still weary of what would happen when i got back. oh my gosh. whats gonna happen. i hope i dont lose everyone over this. i think ive already lost alice and carlos.. but what about trent and Q? god dammit! i have noone, they probably hate me to!


i was just heading into town and it was 2pm, and i realised i hadnt eaten since lunch yesterday. so i stopped at subway, for the third time that week. and once again i saw a familiar face. i still hadnt cleaned my face so it was still red and wet with tears.

"oh hey, you come here lots, dont you." cornelious said from the counter.
"huh, yeah."
"you ok? you look a little red, and teary."
"huh, oh im fine, just some stuff at home." i smiled
"alright, bye"

i ate in the car and then drove down my street. i parked out the front and wearily got out of the car. everyones car was there, except for carlos's, oh no. i walked across the lawn and slowly walked up the steps. i stood at th door staring for a while. i placed my hand on the old brass doorhandle and held it for a while. i then turned it ever so slowly, and looked inside. Q was sitting at the bar with his face in his hands, and trent was sitting by the couch on his phone. i opened the door more and it creaked. i stepped inside. they saw me. crap, i knew i souldnt have come back, they hate me. im dead. kill me  now.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD JENNY WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!?!?!" Q ran up to me and cupped my face with his big string hands.
"yeah, im-im fine." i said wiping tears from my eyes. trent got up the phine and stood beside Q
"yeah what the fuck jenny, what happened? why did you go.?"
"i-i thought you guys would all hate me, so, i didnt come back. i drove around for ages and went back to wondai, i slept in my car at the lookout. and-"
"i-i just." my eyes just exploded in tears. Q put his arms around me.
"its ok jen."
"i thought you guys would all hate me! i-i-it was all my fault! now carlos and alice hate me! i ruined everything for them! its all my fault! I JUST, I CANT HANDLE IT!" i squeezed him tight and cried into his chest.
"what are you going on about! its not your fault! why would you think that?"
"i-i just."

carlos and alice at that moment burst through the door.

"OH MY GOD JENNY ARE YOU OK?!" alice came over and pulled me from Q's grip, hugging me tight.
"where the fuck were you? we've been searching all night!" carlos stood next to me looking concerned. i couldnt do it. i released myself from alices grip and ran to my room. curling up on the bed. i could hear voices in the background


an hour later alice came into my room and sat on the end of the bed. stroking me lightly.

"why would you think its your fault?"
"because, im the one responsible."
"no your not. i did a stupid thing, i confided in you and you kept my secret. and for that i thank you."
"what about calos?"
"he was pretty defeated. im sure hes pretty uspet with me, but he respects you, you kept a promise to me when all you wanted to do was tell him, you did the right thing. if you hadve told him, he wouldnt probabaly hated you, because you would've brought him the bad news. its fine trust me." i smiled at that.
"so noone hates me?"
"why would anyone hate you?"
"i-i dont know."
"look, honey, its fine. noone hates you at all. you'll be fine."
"ok." i sat up and hugged her tight.
"i love you alice."
"i love you to jen. thank you." i smiled again, then got up and walked out into the kitchen. it was 4pm now and i was hungry again. so i got an apple and started eating it. everyone was watching a movie, so i sat down on Q's lap and watched. he put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. i was so relived noone hated me, especially him.


it was 9pm and everyone was going to bed. so i had some water then went to my room. i got chnaged into my pjs and got in bed. looking up at the roof for a while. Q came in and lay in bed next to me. he put his arms around my waist and cuddled me. i misssed him so much. i turned and hugged him tight.

"i missed you." i spoke into his chest, i could feel it going up and down with every breath.
"i missed you to jen."he kissed my forehead and hugged me tighter.
"i love you."
"i love you to, can you do somthing for me?"
"promise me you'll never do that again."
"i promise."
"i swear, i swear on my life."
"good." he hugged me tighter and started to drifft.

before long i was starting to dift to, listening to his heart beat. thump thump thump thump thump thump... thump.....thump...................thump...............................thump.....................................i drifted into slumber, this time with someone by my side.


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