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(Mia's POV)
Now surrounded by jakes idiot friends, with no sign of dad or jake. Panic kicked in. "Lock it" the really cute one (who had fraught my dad) said with anger.
Two brown eyed, blond haired males stood up almost instantly and locked the door. All eyes were now locked on me.
I looked around the dull bedroom. My pink tank top and white shorts where the only dash of colour this room had. Even the shirts and shorts they 'guys' wore, seemed to blend in with the room.
I stood there for a minute not knowing what to do or say. " Ben" the cute one said.
"I'm sorry?" I spoke shocked. They spoke to me.
"My names Ben."
"I'm" but before I could finish.
"Mia, I know " he smiled. I sighed, his smile. Perfect white teeth.
"Look I don't want you to fall for jake" he said seriously. His deep blue eyes gazing at me.
"What makes you think I would?, I didn't want him to kiss me, after everything he has done, do you really think I would be so stupid to fall for him ?" I could of said a lot more, but I decided it wasn't Bens fault I mean he just asked a question.
He stood back a bit shocked. "I'm sorry" I said really hating what I had just said. "It's ok, your tnot the first one that's been like this." He smiled shyly. " I know I'm not the fist one he has kissed, it's not hard to tell his kissed many girls."
" Um he hasn't told you " he gave me this guilty look.
"Told me what?" My heart now racing. what happened? I was mentally asking myself, or even worst what's about to happen?
"Maybe it's best you sit down" he grabbed a chair and let me take a seat.
"A while ago way before he meet Jemma, we were really broke and drunk..."
"Oh god this won't be good" I said.
"Well we were trying to come up with ways of how to make money , for food and rent you know? And we sat down with a few beers, we thought for a bit and jake came up with this stupid thing, where we would take in kids mainly kids with no homes and find a suitable home for them. I thought it was a great idea I told him to write it down and when he did." He paused.
"When he did what? What happened? I need to know. Don't stop!" I yelled.
" fine" he continued.
He then took a deep but somehow shallow breath.
" We finished the plans and gotten help, our first on street teenager." He stopped. Carefully thinking of how to word what has to be said.
" is everything ok?" I ask, watching Ben wipe a tear from his eye.
" Um, yh she was just the most beautiful girl of my life, long black thin hair, deep blue eyes, and the most amazing smile. Lara that was her name." He looked to the distance and sighed.
At first I was scared to ask. "Was?"
"Yeah was," he took another breath before continuing. "After 3weeks I asked her out, and when she said yes I was really really glad. I let her stay here for as long as she needed and eventually move in. Everything was great. Jake had just come back from a camp he had been on. He was happy with us dating. Until one evening I went out to buy beer and a little gift for Lara."
I looked at Ben as he pulled a small box out.

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