Chapter 1

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Before I start the first chapter, there will be a few chapters for progression or a way to convey a part of the story. Such as this chapter. These types of chapters may have flash backs or just relax days.

This chapter is going to be from Wendy's perspective.

I stood infront of my mother, huffing from lack of air and energy. I was here training, learning how to cast magic.

"Grandeeney," I whined, "can we pleeeease take a break?"

Mother sighed, "Wendy dear, training is supposed to be tiring." I pouted as I looked away. It's hard gathering up amounts of magic, and memorizing what rune does what in an enchantment.

"But," I looked up at the sound of mother's voice, "we are about to meet up with Anna and everyone, so we can stop."

My eyes lit up," YES!" Excitement and thankfulness rushed over me. Seeing Natsu, Gajeel, Sting, and Rouge is always the best. Even though Natsu and Gajeel always fight, which their dads do as well. Sting also challenges Gajeel trying to be like Natsu. But, thanks to parent intervening, we have to change our meet up spot. Mother always needs to make sure Anna will be there and is safe from any fights... They aren't the best, but they still care.

I spent some time sitting on my mother's arm resting. Soon though mother told me to climb on her back, which I did. She took off into the sky and we started flying to our new meet up place. Easy travel is one of the best things about having a dragon for a parent, and also if their scales are replaced with just as resistant "fur". I cuddled up to my mother and not long after my eyes were closi-


I groaned as my eyes were shut feeling warm fur of my mother still.

"Is she awake yet?"

I lifted myself up realizing I slept through the flight and mother had landed. The first thing I did was climb off mother and walked infront of her. This resulting in being greeted by happy looking Natsu and Sting.

"Yeah, I'm a*yawn*wake," I spoke still rubbing my eyes being half awake.

All of us spent a few hours play games like tag, and I spent a good 17 minutes calming angry dragon slayers. We entirely ignored Anna and our parents talking until they called us over.

I ran to Grandeeney, "yes mother?"

"Wendy," mother spoke with gentleness, "you'll be going on a trip with Anna for a bit."

My eyes widened, but mother's expression had sorrow which made me ask, "will you be coming with?"

"No dear, I won't be joining you," she responded. I immediately ran and hugged her.

"I don't want to go then," I cried which was muffled by mother's fur.

"Sweetie," I pulled away at the seriousness of her voice, "it'll be only until us dragons finish what we are doing."

"So it isnt goodbye, but a see you later?" Mother nodded in response, so I hugged her again the turned and ran to Anna. We started walking when I turned around looking at my mother and waved, "see you later mother!" I turned around and caught up with everyone, following closely to Anna.

"See you," I heard faintly come from my mother.

Anna led us to a huge double door contraption. She then used some sort of spell to open it, which revealed a golden and white glowing matter.

"This is how we will be reaching our destination," Anna kindly spoke, "let's all enter together." We all nodded and trusted Anna and entered one by one. When I walked in all there was white everywhere.....


After the white cleared up I was standing on jagged ground watching my mother dissipate into thousands of red specks. Tears were forming quickly when I realized what she meant.

"See you there," I muttered sadly...


My eyes opened to a blue ceiling as I woke up from my dream of memories.
*Beep beep*
I turned my head to the sound of my lacrima phone notification. I grabbed it and looked at it which read, "One text from Chelia." I opened the app up to see why she texted at seven in the morning.

Chelia): I'm coming over to hangout NOW, just got off the train.

A smile found it's way on my face as I started to get ready for the day. Trying not to wake up Carla in the process though.

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