Chapter 2

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Okay, it has been a while but I've got 3 chapters that I have written on paper first. Coming up with stuff is hard when stress happens ha ha... Anyways I will try to get the other two chapters out but it really depends. Now onto the chapter, and please excuse my bad story telling skills. I also can't think of a title.

Told in Erza's POV

Walking out of my apartment to head to the guild hall I started for Wendy's room to hed there with her. By the time I got there Wendy had walked out of her place... without Carla?

"Where is Carla?" She turned around with a surprised look, it seems I caught her off gaurd.

"Still asleep," she spoke quickly. Even so Wendy would have woken her up if they are heading to the guild. There something else to, she seems a little impatient.

"And?" I was staring directly into her eyes with a slightly stern look. Okay maybe it is really stern from the amount of sweat dripping from her face.

"C-Chelia said she is coming and that she was already in town waiting at the station," she stuttered at first but collected herself. I pulled back, my face returning to normal. Chelia.... she is that girl Wendy always hangs out with, the one with pink hair. I grinned and looked at Wendy.

"Do you li-" she immediately turned around cutting me off in the process.

"BYE!" She started running to get out of the building without turning back. My grin growing wider I started to laugh a Wendy's embarrassment.

"Erza," I turned around immediately to see Juvia, "why did Wendy run away from you?" My grin grew again thinking of the possibility of her liking that pink haired girl.

"I think she is hiding something from us." Juvia on the other hand gave me a questioning look as if she didn't get it. Shaking my had and calming my ecstatic self, and asking Juvia, "you heading to the guild?"

"Ahhh YES! Juvia is heading there to see her Gray~sama!" I stared a Juvia with concern as she swooned over Gray. This girl is absolutely hopeless when it comes to him.

"Then let's head there together," trying to hide my concern in my voice. Though I'm sure it was failing. So we started for the guild hall with the occasional fangirling from Juvia.

While walking I had to resist my urge for strawberry cake as we passed by my favorite bakery. In the distance there were two familiar people, one blonde and a salmon haired. With ofcourse that tease of a exceed. Juvia and I closed in to hear Lucy yelling at Natsu for something, but noticing us they stopped.

"Hello Lucy," and I swear Juvia muttered something but whatever. She gave us a wave and a smile. Natsu on the other hand seemed a little pissed off. "We were heading to the guild hall wanna-" Being cut off by Natsu grabbing Lucy and running to the guild hall.

"Umm Erza, should we go now?" Juvia saying that for some reason pissed me off even more. This is the second time now. Now walking again, or I should say stomping for me, we reached the guild hall.

I started opening te guild doors "I swear if anything else happens that upsets me even more I'm going to fucking sna-"

(Can't think of the sound affect o-o)
*wood breaking against Erza's armor*

After the wood fell infront of me I opened my eyes again heading beating with pain. Stepping on the broken wood, snapping it even more, the guild grew silent from their fighting and arguing. But I had enough with this shit.


(I need to improve with my writing ;-; I can already tell.)

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