chapter 11 // weird 'feelings'

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no gif today sorry :(

Third POV
SASHA RAN TO Isabel who was hiding in the bathroom stall. "What in the bloody hell are you doing here?" Sasha questioned her. "Skipping class," Isabel drank a sip of water from her bottle, "what are you doing?" Sasha looked around quickly, then turned her head to Isabel. "Come on Izzy, you cant hide here forever because you're too scared to face Draco." Sasha said a little too loudly.

"Shut up! Someone's gonna hear!" Isabel groaned annoyedly. "I shouldn't have kissed him last night. I wasn't thinking correctly, and neither was he."

"It's fine, but at least come with me to Potions! I'll die in there without you." Sasha complained, folding her arms. Isabel gave in and replied "Okay, I'll go with you." They both rushed out of the restroom and headed to Potions. Isabel covered her face as she was running, because she wanted to completely avoid eye contact with Draco.

  She kept running and running, still closing her eyes because she was too scared and panicked if she were to somehow bump into him in the hallway. "What are you doing?" 

  "AAAH!" Isabel screamed, then stupidly fell onto the ground. She slowly opened her eyes, afraid to see whi it was. It was the guy she was dreading to see the whole day (Draco). He stared at her confusedly and laughed with his friends Crabbe and Goyle. "It's like you've been trying to play hide and seek all day Coves," He grinned, "what's the matter?" Isabel blinked at him, then shook her head in denial. "I'm fine." She replied quietly, picking up her books. She tried to catch up with Sasha who was miles ahead of her.

Isabel's POV
"Potions wasn't that bad." Sasha confessed, knitting a little sweater for my owl Angel even though she'll probably try to rip Sasha's head off if Sasha tries to put it on her fragile little body.

  "A-are you kidding me? My face was burning up the whole time around Draco during Potions. I spilled the ingredients all over him!" I blurted out, brushing my hair with my fingers constantly, frustrated with myself. Every time I went to Draco to confront him, I broke down and ran away like a frightened little chicken. And as bad as I want to, I just can't bring myself to talk to him, or even be in his presence. The uncomfortable silence was just too much for me.

  I'm also afraid of completely ruining our relationship together. Even if we don't end up, well being soulmates I still want to be friends like always. Draco was a difficult person to deal with, and the fact I even managed to keep a stable relationship with him was surprising. But I liked our bond. I wanted to be with him forever. I wanted to experience what it was like to truly love someone, to have someone who cares about you and your feelings deeply. Sasha and Marcus are the only people who have ever really understood me and tried to help me.

  "Have you confronted him yet?" Sasha asked hesitantly. I shook my head no at her, like I always did when she asked that question.

  Sasha put her knitting supplies down on her bed and sat right next to me. She grabbed my face and squeezed my cheeks so tightly, I thought I was going to burst like a bubble. "You listen to me Coves," She stared at me so intensely, I was too terrified to look away. "Go up and talk to Draco. Closure is always the best option."

  I started to say, "What if I don't want closure-"
  "Isabel Marie Coves. You know you and Draco won't work out."

   There was a sudden knock at the door, and both of our heads turned quickly. "Is Isabel in here? I would like to speak to her." Draco's voice echoed in the hallway. "Never mind, go get him tiger!" Sasha squealed, rubbing back to her bed.

  I rubbed my eyes, then noticed my dark underlids that probably came from my insomnia. I shrugged my shoulders and walked to door slowly. My hand was reaching for the doorknob until something stopped me. Maybe this isn't the best decision. One side of my head thought. Go for it Izzy! You got this. The other side said. I think I'm literally going crazy.

  I opened the door and there he was, Draco, the magical unicorn with beautiful, glorious platinum blonde hair. "Hey, can we go talk?" He pointed his hand to the door leaving the Slytherin dorms. I nodded my head slowly, "Sure." His hand cling onto my wrist and we both ran out of the room, into the big, dark long hallways of Hogwarts.
  "So.. about last night," Draco began to say.
  "N-no it's fine, everything last night means nothing to me. And I mean absolutely nothing." I laughed nervously, stepping side to side.

  A sudden frown appeared on his face. "Well, it actually meant a lot to me." He replied, with a soft smile on his face instead of the usual smirk. I raised an eyebrow at him. "What do you mean?" I asked confusedly, afraid of what was gonna happen next. "I've really never been the type of person to have.. well feelings for someone. I tried to stay out of all those crush cliche things. But, when I met you I felt all these weird feelings, and I didn't know what to do with them because I never experienced them. So I dealt with them the way I usually deal with things, act like an asshole." He replied, the last part of his sentence making me laugh.

  "The more these weird feelings grew, the more I tried to resist them and tried to stay away from you. But that didn't work obviously. Something about you, just attracts me like a magnet. I can't stay away for some reason." He grabbed onto my hand tightly, staring into my soul.

  "I.." He looked around the hallway nervously, biting his lip. "I think I might be falling in love with you.

  I stood there in shock, my lips trembling as I realized what this could've meant. Does he.. love me? Does he want to be in a relationship with me? Wait, maybe I'm overreacting, he's probably just joking around. But, then why is he staring at me with so much intensity in his eyes? I thought to myself, my heart pacing at an abnormal pace.

  "Do.. do you love me?" I asked cautiously, stepping back slowly away from him. "I don't know," He replied honestly, "But I can figure that out with you, Isabel."

  I shook my head in denial, my heart beating even more louder and faster. It felt like last night all over again. I was probably just dreaming. "I'm sorry Draco, I don't think, I don't think I can-" All of a sudden, my vision started to blur and all I could see were dark spots.

  I felt my body collapse to the ground, and the last thing I heard from Draco was, "Someone please get the nurse! Please, my Isabel fainted!" with so much fear in his voice.

  theres chapter 11! i'm so sorry i haven't updated in a month or so. i promise; even though i have slow updates i will try my best to update as much as i can <3
- via 💞

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