chapter 6 // dumbledore's army

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Third POV————  ISABEL SHARED HERBOLOGY class with Neville and overall it was a pretty fun experience, since he's always been a good friend of Isabel's

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Third POV
  ISABEL SHARED HERBOLOGY class with Neville and overall it was a pretty fun experience, since he's always been a good friend of Isabel's. The honey brown haired girl was heading to Potions, not realizing until in front of the classroom that Draco was going to be her partner.

  For the rest of the year.

  A few days ago, she would've absolutely hated this but for some reason now it makes her feel excited and bubbly for each Potions class.

  She walked in with a small grin on her face, greeting everyone then sitting in my place right next to Draco. "What's got you so happy Coves?" He asked, leaning on his arm for support. "Nothing, and I thought we were calling each other by our first names?" She raised an eyebrow at him, pulling her cauldron out of her bag. He shrugged his shoulders, giving her a face saying, "Probably forgot". While they were catching up about their day, Hermione and Ginny stared at the two Slytherin's suspiciously.

  "Don't you think they're getting a little too close?" Hermione asked, looking at Ginny instead of Isabel and Draco. "I don't know, they would be a cute couple." Ginny sighed, turning her head towards Hermione. Hermione lightly punched Ginny's arm, and she winced in surprise. "Bloody hell, what was that for 'mione?" Ginny groaned, rubbing the sore spot on her arm. Hermione rolled her eyes and responded, "She is the only good Slytherin out there, along with Sasha. We can't let her get infected by Draco, who is the worst out of all of them by the way." Ginny laughed lightly when Hermione said 'infected'.

  "I think you shouldn't worry about them. If Draco is really going to infect her, I think Isabel would know how to take care of herself and leave him." Ginny said honestly. She quickly turned her attention to Professor Snape when he walked in, leaving Hermione speechless.
  The 'secret meeting' was after classes, so Isabel was getting prepared to go with the golden trio to Hogsmeade to see what it was all about. As she lightly combed her hair getting ready for the event, a familiar hand tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey Izzy! Hermione told me you were invited to the thing in Hogsmeade." Sasha whispered softly. "Harry invited me actually," She replied, continuing to comb her hair. "Did Hermione invite you or something?" She nodded her head and told her, "Alright hurry up, we have to leave soon."

Isabel put her hair comb down but remembered this one little thing from a few days ago. "Hey, how did that date with Fred go?" She asked Sasha, facing her. "Oh, it actually splendid! He was so hilarious." She grinned, remembering the wonderful memory. "That's great Sash, anyways I'm ready we should go now with the trio." Isabel reminded her. She nodded her head and they went on our way to find them and walked to the Hogs Head together.

When they were finally there, a lot of people huddled in the quite small room. Isabel noticed quickly she and Sasha were the only Slytherin's there. Not that she minded it, she liked standing out.

"Why would you invite those filthy Slytherin's here? They could be spies!" Seamus Finnegan scrunched up his nose in disgust, as Isabel shook her head in annoyance and stepped up to him. "Look Finnegan, it's 1995 and you should start having a more open mind about the Slytherin house. Stop believing the stupid stereotype of all of us being evil, dipshit." She spat at him with fury, leaving him scared and surprised.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐂𝐊 // 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐅𝐎𝐘 。・:*:・゚Where stories live. Discover now