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2nd December 1974

"Brian! I made a disaster!" Roger screamed from the kitchen "Oh my god, what have you done again Rog!? I'm coming!" Brian ran downstairs and then to the kitchen. Brian began to cough as he entered the room.
It was a complete mess... There were pots and pans all around, butter spilled on the walls, flour everywhere on the floor, and, as if that wasn't enough, smoke was coming out the oven

"Roger? What have you been doing!?" Roger turned himself to stare at Brian and gave him an apologetic smile "Don't be mad at me... I tried to make biscuits" Brian looked at him and then he started to laugh "What are you laughing at!?" Roger yelled while his face was turning completely red "You made a disaster for some biscuits! And you look so fucking cute" Brian kept laughing. Roger's face was super duper red now "Stop this Brian! And help me tyding this mess up!" Brian can't help himself. He found Roger so cute in that moment... He shook his head and then he told Roger "Let's tidy up, and then, if there are the necessary ingredients, I'll help you making biscuits" Roger's eyes became shining in that moment "Will you help me?" Brian begun to laugh again "Of course I'll do it angel! Just like we used to do when we were children"

Brian thought about what he had just said "angel" He hadn't confessed his feelings to Roger yet, and It was becoming too hard for him to keep them a secret. The same for Roger, because, he loved Brian, but he was too afraid to tell him the truth. Also Roger noticed that Brian called him Angel "Angel? I feel more like an isterical queen than an Angel, but if you think I'm angelic then you're not far from the reality" Roger smirked but Brian blushed under Roger's gaze "Let's tidy up Rog! I want biscuits, but we first have to make them!" Roger laughed at Brian's completely red face, but then he nodded "Let's do it!"

Brian and Roger began to tidy up the disaster Roger had made, and, after they finished, Brian searched for a cookbook. When he found it, he searched for a recipe to do biscuits "If we follow the recipe, our biscuits will be perfect! First of all the engredients. We need: flour, eggs, butter, sugar and baking powder. Roger, can you bring them here?" Roger nodded and suddenly made his way in the other side of the kitchen to find what he needed.

He first opened the cupboard and took the flour, the sugar and the backing powder, then he went to the fridge and found butter and eggs. "This is what's left Brian. Is it enough?" Brian smiled at Roger "Yes, it is. Now take a bowl, we need to put ingredients together and mix them" Roger did what Brian asked him. "Brian, look at what I've found!" Brian turned himself to look at Roger. He was wearing one of those chef's hat. Brian began to laugh "I'll follow your advice sir!" Also Roger was now laughing "I think this will look better on you" Roger took of the hat and gave it to Brian "What have we to do now chef?" Brian was laughing more and more. But then he calmed himself down

"Have you found the bowl yet?" Roger smiled "Yes, here it is!" He gave the bowl to Brian and they put the ingredients in it. "Can I mix the ingredients?" Brian had given Roger a spoon wherewith he could mix the ingredients "Yes, you can, but you must be careful!" Roger took the spoon and began to mix the ingredients well.

After a while, the cookie dough was almost ready, so, Roger began to mix ingredients with his hands. The final results wasn't that bad. "Ok, now, the best part. We need to roll out the biscuit dough and to cut it with the cookie cutters" Roger took the rolling pin "I'm ready!" "I can't trust you with a rolling pin in your hands!" Roger rolled his eyes, then he laughed "I told you I'm more an isterical Queen than an Angel!" Roger put the cookie dough on the pastry and began to run the dough out. "Give me a cookie cutter!" "No! I want to cut the dough; you've already run the dough out, so now it's my turn!" Roger pouted while Brian was cutting the dough.

They were having a lot of fun; they were making jokes, were laughing at every stupid comments and thing, just like they used to do when they were children. "Now we can cook them!" Roger searched for the backing tin and he put it on the table. "Put the backing tin in the oven, and wait till they are ready" Roger began to jump all around the kitchen "We made them! I can't wait!" Roger was excited, and his excitement overwhelmed even Brian, who burst out laughing "You're amazing Roger" Roger smiled.

After fifteen minutes, the biscuits were finally ready "They smell nice!" Roger's mouth was watering "I think we've done them well! Finally we can eat biscuits!" But, to take away Roger's and Brian's enthusiasm, Freddie and John, who had gone to buy Christmas decorations, arrived home "What have you been cooking? There is a good smell!" "We've been making biscuits!" Freddie and John run in the kitchen "I want to try them! But first, you have to help us taking upstairs the boxes with Christmas decorations"

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