The wood

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4th December 2017

Roger was at school and he was having math class. He didn't mind doing math, but that day, he was really bored. Actually he didn't hate maths just because Brian gave him some lessons, but in class there wasn't Brian, so he found lessons quite boring. But, even if lessons were boring, he would always find a way to do something creative. It often came to him an idea for a new song, or simply some interesting lyrics; this is how he used to survive in class. At some point, while he was focused on writing the lyrics of a new song, his classmates whispered to him "The professor his calling you Roger" Roger panicked and his head to stare at Mr Smith, who was right in front of his desk "I can see, Mr Taylor, that you have something more interesting to do during my lessons, don't you? Let's see what you are writing instead of listening to me: Give me a good guitar? If I was in you I would ask for good marks in maths" Roger rolled his eyes "Now, listen: if I find out that you're not paying attention to the lesson, I'll ask you one single question, and, if you don't answer correctly, you'll regret not paying attention. So, will you please put aside your song?" Fortunately, the bell rang in that moment "For gods sake..." He whispered as quiet as possible. Mr Smith was still looking at Roger "You must pay attention, because you can't understand math if you don't listen to my lessons. See you tomorrow morning" the professor dismissed his students. Roger put on his down and he took his backpack before leaving the room. He was now walking alone in the full of students school hallway. While he was walking, his phone buzzed, He took it and read the new messages. It was his curly haired bestfriend
"Would you like to meet up at 4 for a walk?-Bri"
A smile grew on Roger's face. He was always happy to receive a message from his bestfriend.
"Sure! Do I come to yours?"
He texted back to Brian who quickly answered
"Let's do this. After we'll go for a walk, shall we?-Bri"
"We must! See u later!"
Roger put his phone in his pocket again. When he got home, as always he had lunch and then he procrastinated all the time on social networks. As it was twenty minutes to 4, he got out his home "Mum! I'm going to Brian's!" "Dear, pay attention and don't come home late, you're father will be home at 7!" "Sure!" He shouted from the doorway. He walked for about ten minutes before arriving at Brian's, then, when he was in front of the house door, he rang the doorbell. Brian's mother opened the door "Roger! How are you dear? Please come in! Brian! Roger is here!" She took a breath, and then she smiled widely "Let me greet you!" She told after Roger entered the house. She then hugged him tightly "Hello!" Roger said still in Brian's mother's arms. While Roger freed from the embrace, he saw Brian, who was coming from upstairs "Hi Roger!" He run down the stairs to hug his bestfriend. They remained embraced for a while "Before you took off your down, can we go for a walk right now?" Brian asked Roger, who nodded "Yeah, let's go" Brian prepared himself and they got out Brian's house "Where are we going?" Roger asked couriously to Brian "You'll find out soon" While they walked, they talked a lot about what happened that day at school to Roger and how was school for Brian. "Brian, we have been walking for half an hour now, where are we going? And where the hell are we now?" Roger was impatient; he hated to wait for that long "I don't know if you've noticed that we are going into the woods, or at least, that we've just arrived into the woods" Roger looked all around; he hadnt noticed that they were into the woods, or at least he didn't pay attention to that particular. There were trees all around them and a little stream on his right. Sunlight came through the leaves; it was a bit windy, so you could hear them rustling other than the sound of the wather in the stream. It was so peaceful "So, why are we into the woods?" Brian stopped walking, breathed and closed his eyes "I love this place, so I just wanted to take you with me, but, if you want to go now, you can" Roger stopped as well "Its pretty cold, but I actually love this place too. Glad to be here with you Mr poodle" Roger began to grin, as Brian's face got annoyed "You've just ruined the moment!" They were laughing together, enjoing the moment. They walked through the woods, and then they laid down in the grass to look at the sky "You made my day Bri, as always" "It's not my fault if you write songs during math classes" Roger struck Brian's shoulder in a friendly way. The two of them began to laugh "It isn't my fault either! The lesson was boring!"
"Yes, the lessons are always boring for you..." they looked at the sky and just stood quiet all the time "Do you remember when we were sleeping at yours and went to look at the stars in the garden? You filled me with astronomy notions... I still remember your excitement when you talked about the moon" Roger laughed softly "Yes... you know I love space! But, I'm a bit cold now... what if we come back home and drink my mum's hot chocolate?" "I'll go for hot chocolate then!" They got up and went back to Brians house. The hot chocolate was the best thing to make them warm.

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