Buying decorations

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Guys, this is the one I hate the most! It is pretty short and I don't really like it, I didn't have many ideas when I wrote it...


7th December 1974

Freddie, Roger, Brian and John were having breakfast together in the kitchen "My darlings, tomorrow we'll decorate home, but we still don't have neither Christmas decoration nor a Christmas tree. I was thinking to go buy some today; John and I will." Brian, who was sitting in front of John looked at Freddie with a frown "Didn't you buy them some days ago?" Roger turned his head to stare at Brian "Wasn't it when I tried to make some biscuits?" Freddie shook his head "Yes, it was, but we bought just some lights" Brian and Roger looked at eachother "Freddie and I will go after breakfast" John said.

After they are their breakfast, Freddie and John got ready to get out
"We're going! We'll be back for lunch! Roger! I'm taking your car!" Roger run at the doorway "What are you doing!?" "See you later!" "Freddie!!! Don't you dare!!!" Brian pulled Roger back to the stairs "They've already gone; now you can just pray" "I really hope John will drive..."
Freddie and John were already in Roger's car; John was driving the two of them to the shop. "What would you like to buy, Fred?" Freddie turned his head to look at John "Hmmm.... First of all we need a Christmas tree. I want to buy a very big tree and..." "Wait a second Fred..." John interrupted Freddie "I don't think a big tree will fit our apartment... We're already four of us..." Freddie rolled his eyes "We'll manage it... Then, we can buy decorations for the tree and for the house, like festoons, maybe a crib will be nice, and stuff like this, you know..." Freddie then told John. "Maybe, don't you think too much; we risk to buy the entire shop..." John say in a joking tone "Don't be so dramatic Deacky! We'll buy the necessary, to make our first Christmas together special!" John was worrying now; as we know, Freddie could be really exagerated...
After half an hour, John and Freddie were finally at the shop "Now we'll have fun!" There, everything Freddie saw, they bought. They bought lot of things, but the tree they bought wasnt as tall as Freddie wanted it to be.

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