Chapter 9: Exceptance and a plan.

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             The whole night after that conversation, Liliana had not been able to sleep. She had never imagined finding out stuff like that about herself. In her mind, it didn't even seem to be true, not something like that anyways. Letting out a loud sigh, she sat up in her bed, looking at her alarm clock. Four o clock AM. If she could not sleep, then she would just go for a run to clear her mind of things. Quickly, she slipped into some clothes and shoes, and snuck out to the front door. She glanced around her, making sure she was alone, before quietly exiting the house, jogging towards the woods.

When she reached the woods, she stopped, taking in everything. The sky was dark, the moon and stars being the only thing lighting up the night sky. Everything was calm outside, aside from the morning breeze, and the bugs in the distance singing their song. Just standing there listening, and feeling the breeze, made her want to smile. Things like this make you understand what life is truly about, what kind of magic life can really bring. Things like this, always made her want to stay in wolf form completely, and just run in the woods, just enjoying everything around her, but she knew that would not be possible, no matter how much she wished.

Inhaling deeply, she began to prepare for the change, until Johns scent caught her nose, making her stop in her tracks. Frowning, she looked around, trying to find where he was at. 'Maybe he did not spot me.' She thought to herself, still looking around, unable to locate him. "Going somewhere?" his voice sounded. Startled, she bolted around to hear his voice came from, finally coming face to face with him. She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest, just watching him. "Well, for one, it is not any of your concern, and for two, I felt like going for a run to get some things off my chest." She stated coolly. He smirked, just watching her. "Well, if it was not my concern, then you would not have told me now would you have?" Sarcasm clear in his voice.

Giving a low growl, Liliana stomped past him, heading for the woods. On her way past him, John grabbed her arm, causing her to stop and gasp as electric shocks went straight through her. She turned sharply towards him, prepared to slap him in the face, until he grabbed her arm, pulling her close to him. She pushed against his chest, in hopes to finally get loose, but failed to do so each time. After several failed attempts, she finally gave up, and finally fell into his grasp. He gently started to message her lower back, all the while watching her. She, however, refused to look at him. "You know you really should not be out here alone. Why don't you let me go on that run with you?" He asked sweetly into her ear, causing her to shiver. She really wanted to go on that run alone, but it seems like he was not going to let her. which frustrated her more than she already was.

She stared at him like he was crazy, then rolled her eyes, looking at the forest in front of them. Right now, he was really wasting her time and patients. She sighed loudly, now facing him to speak. "Fine, you can come. But I want peace and quiet, so please, do not bother me by continuously talking. I need to clear my mind of some things, and that would not help." She spoke coolly. "I understand." He responded. We both went behind trees to change and met back in the clearing as wolves. They huffed at each other, before taking off into the woods for their run. A very much needed run at that. With everything her 'mother' just told her; she needed this mind clearing run. Nothing seemed right to her anymore. It was like everything was a lie, and she did not know the truth or what to believe as the truth.

Her and John ran for an hour or two, before coming to a stop at a nearby pond for a drink and little rest. Liliana sat and stared at the water, lost in thought, not realizing John came and sat beside her. They sat in silence for a good few minute, enjoying the cool air blowing against their fur. It has been a while since she has been able to relax like this. It is very enjoyable to say the least. Comforting, to be more precise. With the way things have turned lately, and everything she has been told, this is what she needed. To get away from everything, and take some time to get her thoughts together, and figure out what she needed to do with her life. It seems to have taken to many directions here lately.

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