Chapter 12: The Talk and Sickness

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~~Few years after the wedding~~

Luigi's POV:

King Boo and I were at the beach, laying down on the beach towel, and enjoying the starry night. It has been so peaceful, no fights, no enemies, no drama. Just me, him, and my Brother.

"So, King Boo," I started. "Yes, Luigi?" "I've been wondering..." I paused, trying to figure out how to ask him my question. "What is it, Luigi? Are you okay?" He asked me after 5 minutes has passed. "Well... I honestly don't know how to ask you this..." "Oh it's okay. Take your time." I finally figured out how to ask him. "Have you ever wonder... What would it be like... If we.. ever have a family of our own?"

King Boo thought for a moment. "Actually, I have. Having a child sure sounds like fun, but... I'm not sure if we're ready."

"Oh. Sorry for asking." I felt really upset. "No, don't be." I felt him hugging me. "It's okay, Luigi." "I didn't know you weren't ready..." I started to cry in his chest.

He petted my hair, calming me down. "It's okay, Luigi. It's not your fault. We'll start a family of our own, but not now, alright? Please be patient for a little bit longer, okay?"

"Okay..." I said as I look in his eyes. He wiped my tears away. "Guess I was moving things a bit too fast." He kissed me on my forehead. "Don't worry about it, Luigi." He smiled. "We'll be ready, when the time is right. In the meantime, let's enjoy this evening."

I smiled. "Okay, King Boo." I laid my head down on his chest, and continued to watch the stars with him. It sure was a peaceful night.

King Boo's POV:

Some time went by, and I noticed that Luigi has fell asleep on top of me. I petted his hair gently, and whispered in his ear, "I love you, little green love."

I got up carefully, trying not to wake Luigi up, and carried him in my arms, going home. When we got home, Mario answered the door. "Heh heh, looks like someone fell asleep." "Yup. So, how was your evening, Mario?" I asked him as I walked in. "Oh it was nice, but I couldn't stop thinking about you guys."

Aww, I couldn't help myself but to like the thought that Mario was thinking about us. "So, how was your evening?" Mario asked me, while we were walking into mine and Luigi's room. "It was lovely," I stopped for a moment. "Well, Luigi wanted to start a family..." Mario looked at me with a slight shocked.

"What did you say to him?" "I told him how I truly felt about it; I do too, but I don't feel ready at the same time." I laid down on the bed, and laid Luigi down on top of me, with his head on my chest. Mario helped us to get comfortable in bed. He sighed before saying anything else. "I understand. Starting something new sounds like it'll be fun and all, but at the same time, it does sounds scary." He paused for a moment. "Whenever you feel confident enough, go ahead and start a family. Don't force yourself to feel confident when you know you don't feel it."

"Thanks, Mario," I told him. "You're welcome, Bro in law. Good night." "Good night." Mario closed the door on his way out of our room.

I looked at Luigi. He was sleeping so peacefully. I smiled and petted his hair again. He blushed in his sleep. Heh heh. You're so cute, my little Luigi, I thought to myself. After a few moments or so of petting his hair, I found myself drifting off to sleep.

~~The next morning~~

I woke up from a smell. And it wasn't a nice one either. It smelled like rotten eggs with raw fish and a little bit of "last night's" chicken. I looked around to see where it was coming from.

But then I heard vomiting coming from the bathroom, and Luigi wasn't in bed. I got outta bed and went to the bathroom, to see if Luigi was in there.

"It's okay, bro. The doctor's coming," I heard Mario talking. "Mario? Luigi? What's going on?" I asked when I peeked my head in, and saw Luigi near the toilet. "Oh, morning, King Boo. Luigi's sick with something. I already called the doctor and he should be here soon."

"Oh... Okay... Mind if I help?" "No, I don't mind. Thank you." I smiled a bit. "You're welcome." I kneeled down near to Luigi, helping him much as I could.

~~Some time later~~

"Luigi has the stomach virus," Doctor Toad told us. "Here's some medicine that'll go down without him throwing it up. Make sure he gets plenty of rest, food, and liquid, alright?"

"Alright. Thanks, Doc." "Anytime, Mario. Get well soon, Luigi." "T-thanks..."

As soon as Doctor Toad left, Luigi started to cough some. And it was a pretty bad one. "Here, bro. This should stay down." Mario handed Luigi a bottle of Sprite. Sounds a bit weird, I know, but I guess mortals with viruses like this has trouble with keeping water in them. Like Luigi was.

He took some sips of the soda, and then placed it down on the nightstand. "Thanks, Mario." "You're welcome. I'll be making some breakfast, alright?" "Okay."

While Mario was in the kitchen, Luigi curled up on top of me, laying his head down on my chest. I started to pet his hair gently. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..." He was started to tear up. "It's okay, Luigi. These things happen." Well, I actually don't remember anything from my living life. "It's not your fault." I kissed him on his cheek.

He smiled a bit and said quietly, "Thank you, King Boo." "You're welcome, my little green love," I told him. I wiped his tears away as he was calming down.

Luigi's POV:

It wasn't long when Mario came back in with some breakfast. "Here ya go, little brother," he said, as he placed a bowl of chicken noodle soup down on the nightstand. He made sure that I have a trash can, in case I throw up again, and plenty of drink before leaving the room.

King Boo helped me with eating, since I'm usually weak when I'm sick. He even helped me with the soda. I wanna pay him back for all of his help, I thought to myself. But I don't know how...

~~After breakfast~~

"How are you feeling, Luigi?" He asked me. "Not feeling like I'm gonna throw up," I replied truthfully.

King Boo stroke his fingers through my hair gently, making me to feel relax. I curled up on to him, with my head on his chest, feeling sleepy.

I was about to drift off to sleep when I heard Mario. "Luigi, it's time to take your medicine." He helped me with it, and the taste of it made me gag a bit. I thought I was gonna throw it up, but it turn out that I didn't.

"Are you okay, Bro?" "Yeah, just really hate the taste of it..." "I know, Luigi. It's only once a day, alright?" "Alright, Mario." He patted my hair and then said, "Get some rest, Bro. Get well soon." "Thanks, Mario." "You're welcome." He left the room, closing the door behind him, to do some work around the house.

King Boo helped me to get comfortable. I laid my head down on his chest again, and he covered us up with the covers. I felt him kissing my forehead and petting my hair while doing so, continuing after the kiss.

He started to sing a peaceful song quietly, making me sleepy. The next thing I know is that I was drifting off to sleep...

--To Be Continued--

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