Chapter 4: The Final Fight (2/2)

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King Boo's POV:

I was in the middle of fighting the Knightmare with Luigi. We were about to defeat him.

But while I was in the middle of making Knightmare to loose his balance, I saw Luigi, and I knew it was too late.

Rage has taken control of me. I destroyed the Knightmare, and sucked up that bastard ghost myself. The last Dark Moon piece was in my hand, but I didn't notice it, because I more worried about Luigi.

I checked his pulse. He's still alive. I was so relieved. But his right leg, it didn't look good at all. I picked him up and flew fast as I could to the bathroom.

Once we've made it there, I patched Luigi's leg up. I wasn't sure if he was gonna be able to walk or not. I still have the Dark Moon piece with me. I saw Luigi's DS that E Gadd calls Luigi on. I decided to call him. He picked up.

"Luigi- Oh King Boo! How's the battle going? Is Luigi alright?"

"I hope so, and I have the last piece with me." I showed it to him.

"Okay good! I'm gonna bring Luigi back here with the piece, alright?"

He didn't even give me the time to answer. He literally just did what he told me what he was gonna do. The DS was also gone.

If that was the last time I saw gonna see Luigi, then... I didn't even got a chance to say goodbye to him...

Luigi's POV:

My head felt like a bunch of bricks have fell on me. I woke up. I noticed that I wasn't in the mansion. King Boo, or any ghosts, were around. My right leg has been patched up, by King Boo, I guessed. And I'm home. I'm actually home with Mario.

I checked the clock. "6 am," it said. I looked outside of my window. A beautiful morning, I thought to myself. I decided to try to get up, but my right leg hurt as heck. Well darn it. I laid down on my bed frame, in pain.

A few moments has past and all of sudden, I got a feeling that I was being watched. For once, I was actually excited to see King Boo. He's here! He's here in visit me! I thought. I looked out my window. No sights of King Boo.

But I was still being watched, but by Mario. I never realized that he spent the night in my room, on the floor. "Luigi? Are you okay?"

"I thought King Boo was here..." I told him. "Oh, no. Sorry, brother. Anyway, you should stay home and rest for a few days. Let your leg to heal."

"Okay, Mario." Mario went downstairs to make breakfast. I sighed before looking out of my window again. But this time, I saw a familiar light.

King Boo's POV:

I had to see if Luigi was okay. So I decided to visit him. I was close to his window, and I saw him.

He seemed so happy to see me, like he wanted me to be here. I went through the wall, into his house. He still have the bandages that I've put on him on. I looked at Luigi for a moment.

"Thank you for coming here," he said. "You're welcome." I decided it was a good time to tell him why I came. "Ever since that accident during the fight last night, I couldn't stop worrying about you. I figured you were okay, but I had to check, in case you weren't. I'm sorry for letting that happen to you, Luigi."

"It's okay, King Boo." Luigi took my boo hands, if you wanna call them that, and holds them. "I forgive you." Luigi seemed like he wanted to do something, or say something, but he couldn't get himself to.

It wasn't long when Mario came up to Luigi's room with a plate of food in one hand, and a glass of milk in the other.

Mario's POV:

I saw King Boo in Luigi's room while I was walking in. "Oh hello, King Boo. Breakfast's ready, Luigi." I placed his food and drink down on his night stand.

"Thank you, Mario." "You're welcome, bro."

I just remembered that I have work. "Oh Luigi?" "Yeah, bro?" "I have work today. I'll be home by dinner. Are you gonna be okay while I'm gone?" He answered, "Don't worry, bro. King Boo's here. He'll help me."

To be honest, I never expected for Luigi to say that. Mainly because we've always been enemies with him. "Oh, okay. If you need anything, call me, okay?" "Okay."

I got ready for work. I still work as a plumber. I decided to check on Luigi one more time before I leave. King Boo was feeding Luigi, like he cares about him. He seemed fine, so I left for work.

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