Chapter 13: Hospital... (Final Chapter)

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~~6 weeks later~~

Mario's POV:

Doctor Toad was checking on Luigi, since he wasn't getting any better. We've tried many medications, but nothing seems to be working. King Boo was also very worried as much as I was.

"I'm sorry, but we gonna have to take him to the hospital. This virus seems to be more serious than I thought it would be."

With that being said, we ended up in the hospital, in the waiting room, while the doctors were checking on Luigi.

Tears were coming out of my eyes, as I hoped for Luigi to survive and get better. King Boo started to cry. "I didn't know... I didn't know it'll end up like this... I'm sorry, Luigi. I'm sorry... Please, stay. Don't go. P-please, Luigi?"

I hugged him and patted his back. "I'm scared, too... L-let's just hope for the best. Hope Luigi makes it..." I started to cry on his shoulder. He hugged me back and cried on my shoulder as well.

~~38 minutes later~~

Doctors that were on break, or whatever they were doing, we're coming in and out of the waiting room. The TV had the weather channel on. Others were waiting as well, decided to talk to each other to pass the time.

King Boo and I, on the other hand, were trying to not to give up on hope. We kept on hoping for Luigi to continue to live.

"Excuse me," I heard someone saying. I looked down to see a Goomba child was getting my attention. "Oh, hello there, young one. Whatcha need?" I asked him politely. "Are you one of the famous "Super Mario Bros"? My school were talking about how you and Luigi fought Bowser, King Boo, and all of the others to regain peace for all lands!"

"Oh, then yes. It's-a me, Mario." I saw his face lighting up. "Wow I can't believe that I'm actually meeting one of the Mario Bros. Best. Day. EVER!!" I laughed a bit. "Hey, where's Luigi? Is he here too?" Of course, he'd ask me that.

"Luigi is sick, actually..." I told him. "Why? What's wrong with him?" "He has a stomach virus that's a lot serious than we thought it'd be." "Aww. That's sad. I've heard people died from that and from other sickness, too. I hope Luigi makes it." "I do, too."

"My name is Jason, btw. My mom is getting a heart surgery, so I'm waiting here with my dad and my big brother, Kevin." "Nice to meet you, Jason. And I hope the surgery goes well for your mother." "Thanks, Mario. Oh btw, not to be rude or anything, but Luigi's has always been my favorite. He reminds so much about me. He inspired me to be brave and to face my fears."

Aww, my little brother is inspiring children to be brave and to face their fears, I thought. I wish I can tell him about it right now.

I smiled at Jason. "That's good. I'll tell him when I get the chance, okay?" "Okay, Mario. Oh and Mario?" "Yes, Jason?" "Can you give Luigi something for me, please? Since I might not be able to meet him in person...?" "Of course." He ran back to his father happily, and ran back to me with a paper that's somewhat in his mouth. (Since Goombas don't have arms nor hands, I had to do that lol.)

I grabbed the paper from him. "It's a drawing of him, acting so brave to defeat evil. And there's a message in it saying, "Anyone can become a hero, even the most fearful ones". I personally think it's great, because it's true."

After I heard about what he told me, tears started to shed. I patted him on his head. "I'll make sure that I'll give it to him. Thank you."

"You're welcome, and are you okay?" "Oh yeah... It's just... It's really beautiful." "Thanks, Mario."

Luigi's Mansion: "Please, Luigi?" (Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now